Future Outlook of Technological Advancements in Workplace

Right from the time we wake up to the sound of an alarm clock to answering messages on the phone throughout the day, everyone out there is hooked to electronic gadgets. Be it your workplace, or working desk, we are all busy performing our duties with the help of computers, mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Technology has become an integral part of our work performance and personal lives and with this, we are also worried about cyber attacks and phishing while browsing the internet. Technology has entered all processes and functions throughout the workplace despite the working area. There are almost numerous business organizations across the industries that have embraced technology. They however aspire and wish to consistently improvise the technological landscape of their business organizations and firms. Although, Future Outlook of Technological Advancements in Workplace there is also a handful of organizations that are doing it right. In general, technological advancements have a number of negative effects on the individual and on the work.

In this blog, we’ll also discuss some negative impacts of technology on jobs.

There’s no doubt in saying that technology has made a number of traditional jobs redundant. For Example, banks’ jobs have been replaced with some bank ATMs. Also, the new wave of technological advancements such as automation and artificial intelligence is a threat to various jobs throughout the world. In almost every sector, every phase, the impact of technology has thrown the biggest challenge in terms of employment opportunities. And this is the only reason, why this has become a most famous topic for group discussions and a headache for those who are unemployed.

Due to some jobs that will become redundant, the immediate result of new technologies will be job losses. Low-skilled workers are being replaced with machines and automation. No doubt, it has increased productivity but therefore it has also become the biggest issue for the people who are looking out for jobs and hunting for work. It is susceptible to losses because of heavy competition from other companies that implements technology for their needs whereas if any company does not replace human labor through technology. So, it is inevitable to keep the hold of companies with technologies for the business firms. In such a process, there will be workers who are less skilled and who don’t acquire much knowledge to be removed in the first section. Income inequalities are further widening which is the result and consequence of such.

The concept of labor-intensive technique and capital-intensive technique makes a lot of difference not only in terms of productivity but also in jobs.  Any organization or a firm aiming for increased productivity has an impact of technology on employment. Increased efficiency and effectiveness have been acquired by enabling technologies in various firms. The safety level bar has been raised by the use of techniques.

Can Technological Advancements Lead To Job Loss?

The unemployment rate in 2018 was estimated at around about 4.1% in which many workers were unable to adjust and left their firms. The responsibility of reducing risk and increasing efficiency in terms of less production cost and time consumption has been taken by the machines. The world is becoming smaller and due to technology, there is a lot of change in technology too.

  • In a country like India, if a capital-intensive technique is adopted instead of labor-intensive, the demand for the jobs will be the highest in numbers. As already discussed above employees left their jobs due to the existence and rise of technologies in the firms.
  • It is obvious that technology saves time and money and also the situation is not hectic for selecting, hiring, and recruiting the people for jobs but it affects the living standards of the people.
  • Due to the advancements in technology people are not able to explore themselves and utilize their skills. The more and more utilization of technologies done in the organizations less labor will lead to reduce
  • It has become easy for the firms by the existence of the technologies to make fewer burdens for the employees.
  • It is easy for the organization to pass particular information regarding the production to the employees and this helps employees to speed up their workflow.
  • In the modern workplace, today work becomes faster moreover creativity and innovation take place in the firms.

Reduction of workload and better quality products are produced or manufactured by utilizing technologies but on the other side, unemployment is increasing day by day moreover people all over the nation are uneducated so it becomes difficult for them to utilize machines which is a major disadvantage. Hence, if there will be a balance between human work and technology it will be easy for everyone to accept the changes in the economy.

Future Outlook of Technological Advancements
Technology is said to be the Biggest Reason for Distraction! Why?

Continuous notifications, multiple web pages open on the desktop, and emails flowing after every hour, though, they are said to be the reason for many distractions caused by technology. In the workplace, distraction is one of the most harmful impacts of technology. What’s the result? Gloria Mark, a cognitive scientist says, people, compensate for interruptions by working effectively, leading to stress, and frustration and are under pressure, all of these lead to poor productivity. Technology such as smartphones is one of the biggest distractions that are leading everyone to a chemical imbalance in the brain resulting in fatigue and anxiety.

The Bottom Line

 The benefits from technological advancements are in the best interest of any business or the country enabling more people to harness them. The consistent investment in technology with no consideration of the impact on the existing workforce might result in a host of alternate issues. For a present shift from the lack of conviction directing towards new technology to skilled workforce initiatives such as better retraining for workers who have lost their jobs to automation, the rising financial protections for those looking and hunting out for new careers are the recommended procedures and methods.

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