Impact of Anti-COVID-2 Measures on Global Warming

Anti-COVID measures and global warming might sound un-relatable but in actuality, they are not!

Every environmentalist is well aware of the threat that is imposed by global warming. Let me give you a quick review. Global warming is the rise of the temperature of the Earth’s climate system which is mainly caused by un-natural activities, that are human caused.  Global warming is an eminent threat that is the major cause of melting of polar ice caps, natural disasters, storms, floods and droughts. Main culprit are the green house gases (Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide, Methane, Ozone ) which get accumulated in the atmosphere and cause climate changes. These gases are emitted from fossil fuels combustion that is one of the primary sources of energy generation for various industries created by humans. In short, in pursuit of better life-sustenance, we have doomed our planet.    

There is a direct implication that global warming can be deterred by eradication of air pollution. It is a simple enough fact that is logical and now seems to take literal form through anti-COVID-2 measures.

The link between the two will be explained in a while, but let’s take a look at the anti-COVID-2 measures first
Anti-COVID-2 measures
  • Hygiene measures to stay protected from the virus. I have discussed this topic in detail in another blog. VisitHow to live with the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak?”  
  • Worldwide lockdown to contain the virus.
  • Shutting down of all industries to prevent infection spread.
Which anti-COVID-2 measures are having an impact on global warming?

Out of all, the one major anti-COVID measure that is starting to have significant impact on the environment in addition to our economy, is barring of energy and transport industry.

As we all know, the lockdown that has been in effect since late March in most of the countries including India, has lead to complete shut-down of those industries that are responsible for emission of green house gases at ginormous scale. The energy industries (excluding the food industry) have been closed since then following the protocol of social distancing. The lockdown went on in full effect with transport industry as well where all sort of transportation (except for the authorised ones) have been halted. Most countries started off their quarantine procedure earlier this year which are now showing some amazing results both with the efficacy of lockdown and environmental balance.

The lockdown for sure is proving to be somewhat a successful attempt at inhibiting the viral spread. It is also an important factor of the lesser amount of green house gases emission in the atmosphere and hence decline in air pollution levels.

CO2 (carbon dioxide), the major green house gas that is responsible for rise of global warming, is the primary effluent of the above mentioned industries. Carbon dioxide constitutes only 0.041 % of the Earth’s atmosphere but it is a crucial component. It has the ability to absorb heat emitted from Earth’s surface (taken from sun in the first place) and keeping it from escaping out to space. Hence, it helps in maintaining Earth’s temperature constant.

Carbon dioxide is naturally released through respiration and volcano eruptions. Its overall emission rate is increased with the addition of unnatural activities caused by humans, such as deforestation, mining, burning fossil fuels, industrial burnout and automobile emissions. The atmospheric CO2 concentration has now increased to thrice than it was recorded prior to the industrial revolution. This is one of the major examples of climate change that is responsible for global warming.

Now, since lockdown happened which put a temporary halt on the unnatural CO2 production, researchers have estimated the impact of the shutdown on the air pollutants level. Needless to say, it has been lowered, much lowered than before.

As almost every continent has become no industrial work and travel zone, the levels of air pollutants and green house gases over various regions have also been significantly dropped.

Early results enumerated by researchers showed that the CO (Carbon monoxide) levels mainly emitted from automobiles had also been reduced. The data suggested the level dropped by 50% than it was in last year! That’s indeed a major change! The level is predicted to keep getting lowered in coming summer when CO2 emission is at peak.

This is an observation that I have felt personally that climate is much cooler than previous years. It might be due to spending more time at home I am not sure, but if it really is showing such significant effect by now then it definitely is a good sign

Let me post the image from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) with observed data of NO2 level:

Anti-COVID-2 Measures on Global Warming

This was the report that was given earlier this year which shows how much the level of Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has declined since the lockdown began in mainland China. Nitrogen dioxide is one of the primary effluents from fossil fuel combustion. As you can see, just within a month how drastically the pollution level dropped down. This was reported from the highly industrialised cities, impact is clearly visible.

Not only China or other Asian countries, but European countries and American states are also showing visible climate changes. Early reports collected from New York city showed reduced traffic levels, CO emissions and green house pollutants. Observed dropped rates were 35% for traffic levels, 50% for CO emissions and 10% for CO2.

The early lockdown showed major environmental impacts in various regions of China and Italy. A 14 days analysis report conveyed that there had been appx. 25% drop in energy emissions in China. Speculations have been made that this could lead to an overall drop of about 1% in China’s Carbon emissions in the following years.

Satellite image taken from ESA (A European Space Agency) showing levels of nitrogen dioxide over Italy:


Anti-COVID-2 Measures on Global Warming

All the reports point out at the fact that the indefinite halt of national or international travelling and energy industries are the major contributing factors for environment restoration. If this keeps up any longer, certainly we will see more significant changes and will be able to reclaim a clean planet

Although it seems like we are heading towards a pollution free future, the so called decline in the air pollution due to shunning of industries factor raises major concerns over world economy. The pandemic no doubt has to be eradicated and the current measures that have been implemented are making sure of it. But once the pandemic dies down, the re-sustainance of global economy would become the next topic of concern. Economy is already getting affected with countless people losing their jobs due to lockdown.

Until the lockdown is lifted, situation are not gonna change. However it seems that global lockdown would be extended to maximise the efficacy of the preventive measures. Good news for environment, not so good for economy though.

There is also no guarantee though that the aforementioned positive impact on environment will last. As observed back in 2009, the global financial crash that hit the world economy similar to the present day conditions, was followed by an overwhelming rise of air pollutant levels. The Carbon and Nitrogen emissions were skyrocketed by 6%. Most comprehensible reason was found to be instantaneous usage of fossil energy to make up for the loss during the financial crisis. If the time reverses back, despite the bonus of having a momentarily clean planet, we will be brought back to square one or even worse

Scholars and researchers from all over the world have given some validated facts concerned to this issue. Let me quote some of them:

 “Governments now have to be really cautious on how they re-stimulate their economies, mindful of not locking in fossil fuels again,”

“They should focus those things that are ready to go that would lower emissions, like renovating buildings, putting in heat pumps and electric chargers. These are not complicated and can be done straight away, they are just waiting for financial incentives.” -Prof Le Quéré.

Some even believe that the longer the industries are banned, more will be the alternatives for financial support that will have no regard of environment whatsoever.


“I certainly think climate could go on the back burner, and in this case, I don’t think there is much hope that stimulus goes to clean energy,”

“Any stimulus will help those with job losses such as tourism and services. I think this is very different to the global financial crisis. The only silver linings could be to learning new practices to work remotely, and buying a few years of lower growth allowing solar and wind to catch up a bit, though, these may be rather small silver linings.”- Prof Glen Peters, the Centre for International Climate Research.



Despite the growing uneasiness and wrath among the general population, the anti-COVID-2 measures are being effective against the viral spread. Global lockdown has tremendously lowered the pandemic adversity and also the environmental imbalance at a significant rate. Global warming is a serious issue that is indirectly getting dealt with. However the idea of a clean planet is ideal as long as it is well supported by the life supporting attributes-which in this case implies to the global economy that is at the verge of crashing once again!

World leaders have to come up with a resilient solution that befits and rectify all the existing issues. Industries based on renewable energy source is one for starters.

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