All You NEED to Know About Smoking, Vaping & COVID-19

SMOKING is INJURIOUS to HEALTH; the statutory warning printed on all cigarette packs states a big caution note which is a serious concern related to your health. If we talk about US (United States), nearly 4, 80,000 people die because of tobacco related diseases every year. Therefore, in our country, India, there are approximately 120 million smokers in which more than 10 million people die every year because of tobacco consumption here. Smoking leads to poor health conditions and the most people associate smoking to lung cancer and can even lead to DEATH!

Well, smoking not only affects lungs and respiratory system but it also has an impact on all aspects of health. Regular intake of tobacco and smoking leads to poor oxygen to lungs resulting in terrible respiratory system. Another problem that resides in a human body is storage of unwanted fat that leads to high cholesterol, dizziness in the body and lowers the energy. It is also often observed the genetic abnormality amongst children and the reason behind is their mothers who get through smoking habits. Numerous people suffering from diabetes are on the rise. With this they tend to increase the blood glucose levels and reduce the efficiency of insulin performance. So, the more you smoke, the more you’re creating a chance of getting diabetes.

Smoking & COVID-19

You’re washing your hands regularly, staying home and even doing social distancing. So, is there anything else you must do to quarantine yourself in this vulnerable situation? Of course! An important step is to maintain a healthy diet and replace unhealthy lifestyle disorder by quitting smoking and vaping. In a survey it was also found that a group of people who are use to smoking habits are said to be at higher risk of severe illness if they become infected with the disease.

COVID-19, the global pandemic that is excessively affecting people’s health all over the world is a disease that damages the respiratory system of a human body by which he/she fails to breathe properly. Although, it even takes much time to get back to the normal breathing position. Coronavirus is a lung infection that destructively affects the lungs and also results in lung cells and tissues dead. However, it is always crucial to take preventive measure steps at first to avoid this growing disease leading to high abnormal breathing rates. So to stay away from the vulnerable and the worst affects of the disease, one must completely ignore consuming smoke and tobacco intake, as it will help in keeping lungs healthy and not letting coronavirus attack the lungs.

To keeping the bacteria and viruses from getting a secure position for further progress, the lungs of a human being depends on the normal defences in the airways. Well, this comprises normal mucus layer on a person’s airways by the side of the fine thin hairs or cilia that beat in a pattern to move mucus and debris up or out of the lungs even the normal immune cells that stay active in the airways. Everyone including the smokers is well aware that inhaling harmful substances such as tobacco smoke and vape emissions affects the ability of this muco-ciliary ladder to function well and disturb the immune system causing a chronic degree of soreness in the airways.

Active Inflammation in the face of an additional insult such as SARS-CoV2 makes it difficult for the lungs to fight the attacking virus and sets up the risk for several acute complications of the infection. Whether it is a chronic or acute effects from such behaviour such as smoking or vaping, it would be OKAY to imagine that any situation can potentially affect the lungs other than the consumption of ingredients could play a major role in making someone more disposed to complications from the disease. Though at the moment, it is not been finalised if smoking can increases the likelihood of coming into the touch of disease, although, the latest proof reflects that smokers are inclined to severe symptoms if they do come into the contact of COVID-19. Based on the survey taken by New England Journal of Medicine, it is said that the people who smoke were 2.4 times more likely to have strict symptoms from COVID-19 as compared to the people who did not smoke.


All that we must know is that smoking and vaping originates harmful health difficulties to the lungs, leaving lung tissue inflamed, delicate and liable to infection Additionally, tobacco utilization has been proven to harm immune system and airway lining cells that complies cilia on the exterior part that are important defenders adjacent to viruses such as COVID-19. The lungs are more dangerous without them working in a proper manner.

Does Vaping Rise the Risk of COVID-19?

The increased confirmed COVID-19 case has highlighted the people to quit smoking and vaping. The underlying health concerns consisting respiratory systems related to smoking and vaping might be at higher risk.

What Experts Say?

  • Few experts say people who use e-cigarettes on continuous basis could face a higher risk of serious illness with COVID-19.
  • They include by saying that smoking and vaping damages the lungs which makes more difficult for a human being to fight coronavirus.
  • Experts even add that the people who regular intake tobacco in terms of smoking and vaping may not be considered the top-priority patients in the medical healthcare centres.
  • They say the best thing is to stop smoking and vaping completely to live a healthy and happy life.
Splitting Myth from Fact

Well, there’s an argument circulating online that vaping may threaten COVID-19 recovery more than smoking. Switching on to vaping to cut back on smoking, there becomes a disturbing cause that whether it is safe to go back to cigarettes at this point.

Although, the research around COVID-19 is still going on and no evidence has been found that vaping is more harmful in this context.

No Safe Option Left

Both vaping and smoking is injurious to health and the only thing left to conclude here is which one is more harmful for a human respiratory system.

Both smoking and vaping affect lungs and lead to breathing problems. The vulnerable habit of staying away from stress makes the potential to damage your lungs, additionally; it can weaken your immune system.

The combination of effects results in more experiencing severe symptoms and less able to fight the virus.

If you’re not ready to quit, you can still reduce the risk of COVID-19
ractices that can reduce risk of COVID-19 overall!

Avoiding disinfection: Before smoking, make sure to wash your hands properly and sanitize the smoking equipment, such as vape devices, pipes and bongs! Well, it doesn’t make harm to the packaging of any products you purchase anyways.

Wash your hands: The activity of smoking or vaping includes mouth to hand touch, so it is always better to wash hands before and after to avoid the infection.

Avoid Sharing Cigarettes: As said before, smoking equipment, pipes, joints or anything else must not be shared amongst that’s been in your mouth.

Hold back on the rest of your health: Healthier bodies have a great tendency to fight the infections easily so it is always better to boost immune system while taking care and owing healthier lifestyle. 8 to 9 hours of sleep, eating veggies and fruits and balanced meals, taking out time for exercise or work-out are all the beneficial habits one can give a body a better chance of defending itself.


The Bottom Line

With modern lifestyle and unhealthy lifestyle disorders, people have made a great damage in terms of weakening immune system. With this by adding smoking habits it worsens the overall mental and physical health of a person. The growing coronavirus pandemic is the best time I must say to practice quitting smoking and vaping. We have been long known that quitting smoking is the best thing one can do to make a better health condition. By saying NO to consuming tobacco and other vulnerable intakes can better equip body to fight off the disease and along with that it reduces the chance of the most severe symptoms.

It is completely acceptable and understandable that staying away from these habits is quite challenging and it might even take numerous attempts to reach that point. At the present, like many people are staying home and are in a self-quarantine, it may be the perfect opportunity to make the quit attempt. In a pandemic where an infection is spreading quickly, we urge everybody to do everything they can to keep themselves, their friends and family and their locale safe. What’s more, we are here to help you in that exertion. The American Lung Association has demonstrated stopped smoking help that can assist you with beating your tobacco fixation for the last time.

In case you’re as of now adapting to more worry than expected — and how about we be genuine, who isn’t? — You may not have the capacity for attempting to stop. What’s more, that is totally alright at this moment.

We’re confronting a pandemic. Your life as you most likely are aware it has been upset, maybe to where you scarcely remember it. You may as of now be at your breaking point, simply hanging tight, attempting your best to endure

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