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Yoga-the Strength of Your SOUL

April 23, 2020
Yoga-the Strength of Your SOUL

Yoga-the Strength of Your SOUL

Yoga has experienced an upsurge in popularity in the western world amongst medical professionals and celebrities alike over the past numerous years. Yoga is actually an ancient practice that joins the mind, body and spirit by body poses, controlled breathing and meditation while several associate yoga with new age mysticism or the latest fad at the gym.

There is tremendous practice of yoga having health benefits associated with it. And this blog we’ll be casting light upon benefits of incorporating yoga in to you or your patient’s fitness program.

Well, in today’s busy society, YOGA, an ancient practice and meditation has become increasingly popular. Yoga facilitates a retreat from their chaotic and busy lives for various people out here. It concludes breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage, motivate relaxation and diminish the mental stress. Along with the various advantages for both mental and physical health, practicing yoga has been said to come though not all of these benefits have been backed by the science.


Following are the evidence-based benefits of yoga!

Cuts-off Stress

To ease stress and promote relaxation, Yoga is well-known for its ability. Although, there have multiple studies that have declared that it can decrease the secretion of coristol, the primary stress hormone. One study that was demonstrated depicted the powerful effect of yoga on stress by following 24 women who perceived themselves as emotionally depressed. It was found that the women had significantly lower levels of cortisol after a three-month yoga program. They even had lower levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression. More to this, another study declared 131 people had similar results showing that 10 weeks of yoga helped diminish stress and anxiety. It even helped improve quality of life and mental health. Yoga can be powerful way to keep stress in check when used alone or along with other strategies of alleviating stress just like meditation.

Relieves Anxiety

You might have felt fast breathing with anxiety. It may lead you to panic attack or anxiety attack. To diminish this process, you must practice the slow or even deep breaths every morning. Deep breathing exercise can help restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety.

Well, to remove the clutter of distress state of mind, one must dedicate himself or herself to serve others with the motive of helping the needy and helping yourself too by gaining positivity. One must practice mindfulness activities and trash the negative thoughts that come in a way.

Helps in Reducing Inflammation

 In between tedious lifestyle and work pressure, it becomes quite challenging for a person to maintain a healthy skin though. The workload however draws a major impact on your skin quite a bit. The unwonted work schedule, excessive exposure to the sun and sleeping disorders doesn’t let a person glow which they aspire for! It’s no secret that drinking a lot of water and keeping yourself hydrated will not bring out the best results but what about eating habits? Consistently losing and gaining weight again can disturb your skin cells that can take its toll on your skin. You may feel wrinkles and stretch marks on your body that too caused by unbalanced diet.

However, more research is needed to confirm the benefits and the advantageous effects of yoga on inflammation, these findings indicate that it might help protect against particular diseases caused by chronic inflammation.

Improvise Health of the Heart

The health of your heart is a crucial component of overall health from pumping blood through the body to supplying tissues with important nutrients.

Based in the research, it was said that yoga might help improve heart health and reduce several risk factors for heart disease. Over the 40 years of age, one study found that participants for such years who practiced yoga for five years had a lower blood pressure and pulse rate as compared to the people who did not practiced yoga. High Blood pressure is one of the major causes for the heart problems like heart attacks and stroke. On the other side, lowering your blood pressure can help diminish the risk of these problems.

Yoga the Strength

There are also some studies that suggest incorporating yoga into a healthy lifestyle could help slow the progression of heart disease. Looking at the effects of a lifestyle transformation that involved one year of yoga training attached with dietary modifications and stress management, a study followed 113 patients with heart disease. People who took participation in yoga observed 23% decrease in total cholesterol and a 26% reduction in “bad” LDL cholesterol. In addition to this, the progression of heart disease stopped in 47% of patients. It is not clear how much of a role yoga might have had versus other factors like diet. Although it can minimize stress and depression one of the major contributors to heart disease!


You may have a foremost motive to cut-off the stress, so to recharge your batteries, add yoga in your daily work out list. With soft music on the head, move out from your bed and walk with a target to cut off your bad health.

So, have you decided to stay away from vulnerable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart attack, fractures, depression and breast cancers? Numerous yoga poses prevent bodily illness. If you have any suggestions or queries related to your health and fitness, share your experience in the Comment Section below! 


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