Student-Centered Blended Learning Methodology

Education sector is one of the most ambitious and progressive sectors. Due to various remarkable advancements and innovations, the art of learning has truly evolved. Learning is not satisfied with traditional method anymore. The newest revelation in the same context is blended learning. Although it does not comprise of quite recent techniques, it still has managed to upgrade itself with every passing era.

In this blog I will be covering the fundamental information about the blended learning system along with its existing types. Since blended learning has evolved from traditional learning, I have drawn out differences between the two which will make you understand how blended learning has an upper hand on the traditional learning method.

How do you define blended learning?

It simply refers to a modern approach to education that includes online educational components and attributes for online interaction with traditional classroom methods. It combines traditional learning methods with digital training facilitated with the help of visual media.

The learning methodology involves participation of both teacher and student.  Students get the privilege of having some level of control over the timings, place and course flow. The face-to-face classroom practices are merged with computer-imparted activities in relevance to the curriculum and delivery.

In addition to education sector, blended learning also has great application in the working field for professional development and training settings.

One of the major features of blended learning is that it does not stick to one fixed agenda. It follows a flexible and customizable approach that easily complies with the mutual requirements of the teacher and student or trainer and employees.


Types of blended learning

There are various types of blended learning that you might be aware of. Let me explain what they are one by one:

Enriched virtual blended learning

As the name implies, teaching instructions are carried out through online route.  In this learning mode the main focus of the students is on completing assignments which are given through an online route. Presence of teachers is based on requirement by the students. They are present when needed.

Project based blended learning

In this mode students make use of both online learning and offline mode of learning through a designated project selected by oneself and physical instructions to create, revise and submit project based homework assignments or tasks. It is widely used in the business field.

Supplemental blended learning 

In Supplemental blended learning, the students either finish their online assignments as a supplement in addition to their regular face to face learning routine or they complete their entire offline learning experiences to supplement the online learning experience through online activities.

Flex blended learning

Flex blending learning is a course which combines occasional offline activity with online learning. The latter has most significance than the prior.  Students are provided with an individually customized course schedule among the blended learning techniques. The teacher is present in the premise with students learning via traditional method, only the homework tasks are given online.  

Station rotation blended learning

It is a learning program which allows the students to roll through stations on a fixed schedule. One of those stations is a station for online learning. This type is most common in primary schools.

Individual rotation blended learning

This blended mode allows students to go through stations as per their personal schedules and they are set by a teacher. Here students are supposed to rotate only through theie scheduled coursework.

Self-directed blended learning

As the name suggests, these learning modes are self guided and directed by the students with the help of a combination of online and face-to-face learning. They are able to direct their own customized query, complete their learning goals on time and maintain communication with their tutors or trainers in a blended manner.

Mastery-based blended learning

Here the students are able to shuffle between both online and offline learning based assignments on the basis of the objectives set by their learning abilities.  

Lab rotation blended learning

This mode allows students in a computer lab to rotate through stations on a fixed schedule. This facilitates flexibility in teacher’s schedules.

Flipped classroom blended learning

It is the most widely acknowledged version of blended learning where students are given general introduction of the coursework online from home and they proceed to classroom learning in supervision of a parent and teacher. This is called flipped learning because of the flipped roles of the traditional method.

Inside-out blended learning

Here the learning experiences are programmed to finish out of the offline classroom or training rooms, but they are always able to draw benefits from both modes.

Outside-in blended learning

In this learning mode, student’s experiences are planned to commence in the non-academic offline and online media that they use regularly. Their activities are to be end up inside a classroom or training area.

These were the most generalised versions of Blended learning types that are available and which mutually benefits the tutors and the students.

Blended learning draws out most attention to itself due to its growing popularity among the educational and professional sectors. This is certainly not a new concept and have been in use for quite some time actually. But in the last few decades, you can easily make out how much it has outgrown the traditional learning system. How? Let me explain:

How much different is blended learning than traditional learning?

Although having been originated from traditional learning practices, blended learning is the far more advanced and arguably better mode of education. Let’s find out how by drawing a comparison between the two:


Traditional learning



Blended learning




It involves more of face to face interaction between the tutor and students.



It is an offline mode of learning.



mostly involves large groups. Traditional small tuition classes are exceptions, however usually coaching classes have massive student attendance.


Traditional learning methods are tedious and absolutely uniform.


These follow tight schedules and any sort of leniency is not tolerated.



Traditional classrooms do not provide proper one on one learning. Student strength is massive and hence it renders traditional learning less influential.  




The time and location is set and unchangeable.


Progress is evaluated on gradual basis. Takes a lot of time to show improvement.


Basically either teacher or parents are involved in monotonous teaching.



Doubt clearing sessions are either after school hours in the same facility. It lengthens total study hours.


Most classes with the traditional learning methods have no option of recording the session. What is being taught can be noted down but since listening is more effective than reading, this makes this method a bit lacking.


Resources that are provided are quite basic and do-not do any justice to those with special needs. There is a whole different type of classes for physically impaired.





It combines both face to face interaction and digital learning training methods.



It is a combination of online and offline mode of learning, with variable degrees.


It is provided in either one on one learning environment or in nuclear groups.



It facilitates the freedom to choose whatever mode is preferable.


Course plans are flexible and have a relaxed agenda. This certainly doesn’t make them any less effective learning mode, in fact flexibility is one of its greatest plus factor.


Blended learning is ideal for those students who do not do well in social pressure. Students have direct and one on one access to the teacher and can easily get their doubts cleared without any added burden.



Students have the option to select the place and timings on their behest. This means no extra time and money spent on commute.


It leads to quicker improvement in learning skills and better application.


Total support of the tutor and parents for online mode. They provide supplemented guidance.



Any sort of contact is majorly established through digital and social media which is faster and doesn’t cause any loss of time.


If you want to re-listen all you have to do is record the session and listen to it afterwards.




Blended courses are well equipped with audio-visual aids which make learning easily comprehensible by all individuals. No need to look for separate special classes.

Blended learning is the next gen of traditional learning method. I will be talking about the benefits and applications of blended learning in another blog.

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