Boost your Immune system with these Super Foods

When you talk about your immunity, many people argue that it is hereditary and hence is given by birth and remains unaffected by your surrounding. Well, there are two main types of immunity-innate and acquired. I have already defined the first one, the second one is the acquired immunity that we gain after birth from our environment. Hence it is likely to cause changes to our immune system and in this blog, I will talk about the positive changes. Food is the primary source of nutrition for us and an indirect way to affect our immune system as well. In this blog, I will mention 20 top superfoods that Boost your Immune system with these Super Foods and are named so for good reasons.

First, let’s delve into the general meaning and mechanism of our immune system. Also, what major lifestyle changes help in achieving better prospects for our immune system.

How does your immune system work against harmful foreign agents?

The immune system is our body’s defense that protects us from infections. It involves the collaboration of cells, organs, and in particular white blood cells present in our blood. When foreign bodies tend to enter our bodies, these white blood cells make antibodies to fight against them. Once these antibodies do their job, they stay in the body and keep us safe from the same infections. This is called building immunity and the system is our body’s immune system.

Role of a balanced diet in your immunity

A healthy diet and antioxidants are the building blocks of the protective barrier that our immune system thrives on. A perfect combination of a healthy lifestyle, diet, and physical activity is what is needed for a fully-functioning immune system.  

Lifestyle changes for strengthening your immune system
  • Quit smoking
  • exercising regularly
  • Quit alcohol consumption
  • Proper 7-hour sleep
  • Expel stress from your life
  • Maintain hygiene
  • Consume a healthy and balanced diet

Here are 20 superfoods that fit the criteria, just right:

20 Super-foods that help in boosting your immune system  


1. Green tea

The ultimate herbal drink- green tea comprises a minute amount of caffeine which makes it the healthiest of all. Regular intake of green has tremendous positive effects on the immune system.

Green tea has anti-oxidant and antibiotic properties which makes it capable of handling microbial infections. it also improves metabolism and speeds up immunity.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a wonderful food that has proven benefits in the battle against infectious diseases. Lately, its importance has been highlighted a lot on social media for protection against the novel coronavirus. Although the extent of that claim is yet to be proved, still garlic can’t be ignored since for decades it has been used as the most effective home remedy for treating viral flu and the common cold.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which are very helpful to fight viral infections. It contains Allicin, a high sulfur concentrated compound that enables those abilities.

Garlic has many other medical benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, proper management of cardiovascular functions, improvement of blood circulation, and so on.

3. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. It is the best remedy for treating nausea, throat infections, flu, and digestive problems.

Ginger is taken in various forms depending upon the purpose. Tea made from powdered ginger root has miraculous effects on better metabolism and fat loss.

4. Herbs

You can’t deny the importance of herbs and spices for improving the immune system. Ayurveda has proven the benefits of herbs against infectious diseases. Herbs such as turmeric, oregano, basil, and mint are rich sources of vitamins a, c, e, and k.

These vitamins have proven anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial effects which can strengthen your body’s immune system and increase your health quotient. They are also rich in dietary fiber which helps your body optimize your blood cholesterol levels. Curcumin present in turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is widely used as the safest remedy to keep any viral, fungal, and inflammatory infections at bay. Turmeric when consumed in warm mild has tremendous health benefits. It is also very effective to fight against throat infections.

A cup of tea made from mint, basil, and lemongrass has a powerful effect on respiratory infections. Being aromatic and uniquely flavored, herbal tea is one of the quickly accepted household tea that has gained worldwide popularity.

Herbal tea helps relieve symptoms of sore throats and upper respiratory infections. Nothing is more refreshing than a cup of freshly poured herbal tea when you need to regain your strength and energy against infections.

5. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are miracle foods to fight against viral infections. They are very rich sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C aids your body in the production of more white blood cells, which are the core soldiers of our immune system.

Citrus fruits are also rich in folate, potassium, and vitamin k, which plays a vital role in blood clotting.

Citrus fruits are easily available in all seasons. It is advisable to increase your daily intake of citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwis, tangerines, lemons, and limes as they enable you to build strong immunity to seasonal flu and common colds.  The latter seems to get affected by vitamin C as studies have shown it to have shorter incubation periods. This is solely due to the positive impact of vitamin C on our immune system.

6. Red bell peppers

Bell pepper or capsicum are also rich sources of Vitamin C. They are the great secondary options for vitamin C sources for diabetics or in case citrus fruits are not available.

Red bell peppers are very good sources of beta carotene. Beta carotene is essential for the health of our optical system. Moreover, beta carotene is responsible for maintaining the skin in healthy conditions.

There are plenty of recipes on the internet for consuming red bell peppers. Roasted or stir-fried, you can have them in any form.

7. Spinach

Spinach is the most beneficial leafy vegetable that is not only delicious but is also another great source of vitamin C, Iron, antioxidants, and beta carotene. Such components help your body to ward off any kind of viral infections and strengthen your immune system.

Moreover, spinach is highly rich in proteins and minerals. Spinach is ideal to keep your bones in check and also improve hair and skin health.

Spinach contains many essential nutrients and antioxidants, which include:

  • Flavonoids
  • Carotenoids
  • Vitamin C & E
  • Iron, mineral.

The best way to consume spinach is by steaming or blanching it to preserve its nutrients and flavor.

8. Coconut

Coconut is a great source of fatty acids which enhances the metabolism of our body. Due to its beneficial properties, coconut oil is a popular choice for cosmetic applications. Coconut milk is a rich and creamy base for many cuisines and beauty products. For developing immunity against pathogenic microorganisms, coconut oil is extremely beneficial due to its anti-microbial properties.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries are delicious fruits that are rich in flavonoids and have antioxidant properties. The flavonoid is called anthocyanin. The anti-oxidant flavonoids are responsible for providing a boost to your immune system.

Flavonoids also play an important role in improving your respiratory tract’s defense system. It is recommended to eat blueberries to protect yourself from viral colds and various respiratory tract infections.

Blueberries are low in calories but have a high nutrition quotient.

10. Apples

An apple a day keeps infections away! Apple is a great source of beneficial nutrients that helps in boosting our immunity against infectious diseases.

It is highly rich in soluble fiber which is known to alternate the immune cells of the body from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory cells. The anti-inflammatory immune cells have a greater tendency towards infection protection.

11. Almonds

Almonds are full of medicinal properties as they are highly rich in vitamin E and minerals and provide healthy fats to the body. Popular and delicious, almonds are within everybody’s reach and are a common household delicacy. But it has major medicinal values as well.

In addition to vitamins, almonds are rich in fiber, magnesium, manganese, and other minerals.

A diet rich in almonds improves your immune system. The key is to not overdo it and stick to a handful a day. Too much of anything is not good and the same fact applies to almonds too.

Almonds are processed in many forms, the most widely used is in oil form. Almond oil has many benefits for treating skin and hair issues. Roasted almonds are popular snacks that sustain their medicinal property along with crunchiness.

12. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A, and beta carotene. The latter is a type of antioxidant that protects your body against harmful ultraviolet rays and avoids risks of skin cancer.

13. Fish sauce and oil

An excellent source of omega 3 fatty acid, fish is the ultimate health food. Fish oil and sauce forms have multiple uses which also include clinical benefits. Its long-term usage increases the potency of omega 3 fatty acids against many physiological ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that is chronic and fatal.

14. Chicken soup

There ain’t an any better remedy for treating stubborn viral flu and common cold than the good old homemade piping hot chicken soup. Rich in flavor, taste, immunity booster chondroitin, and vitamin B6, chicken soup is the ultimate health elixir.

15. Dark chocolate

As delicious as it is, dark chocolate also has multiple health benefits.

Dark chocolate consists of bromine-rich antioxidants such as theobromine, which have immunity-boosting properties. Dark chocolate also gives instant relief when nauseated or anemic.

16. Licorice roots

Licorice roots have been widely used in Ayurveda for their beneficiary properties. It is rich in anti-oxidants, anti-biotics, protein, Calcium, and minerals. Its major uses include treatment of wounds, respiratory and eyes, mouth, and throat illnesses. It has properties that charge up the adrenal system and manages the stress response system of our body.  Both of the properties leading up to the improvement of the immune system and a healthy body.

17. Broccoli

Broccoli is a great source of vitamins A, C, E, and minerals. It has great anti-oxidant properties, containing many potent antioxidants, such as sulforaphane. In addition to enhancing immunity, broccoli is a rich source of fiber thus also supporting our digestive system to function properly.

Although it can be consumed in its raw form, it is advisable to either stir fry or steams it for proper digestion and absolute benefits.

18. Mushroom

Mushrooms are known for their usage in many culinary delicacies and also the medicinal values of their extracts. They are nature’s gifts to fight infections and build up a strong immune system. You can attain a healthy body by consuming a diet enriched with mushroom supplements and extracts.

Mushroom extracts are better alternatives than their whole form for immune system restoration because they have more assimilatory properties and thus more benefits.

19. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are high sources of vitamin B6, E, antioxidants, and minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium which help in eradicating harmful foreign radicals from your body and improve the immune system. Include sunflower seeds in several recipes and reap its benefits.

20. Yogurt or curd

Being easy on the gut and a live source of good bacteria, yogurt is the ultimate dairy product.  It helps in boosting your metabolism which in turn improves your immune system. Great for both your children and the elderly. Opt for sugar-free store-bought yogurt or make a batch of your own by simply adding a spoonful into leftover milk. Pay attention to maintaining aseptic conditions.

To summarize it all

Rather than a strong immune system you should concentrate on building a balanced one. Don’t stock up on citrus fruits alone having heard from somewhere that vitamin C in them will protect you against viral diseases such as COVID. Other foods that have ample amounts of vitamins present in them are just as good. Hence, maintain a healthy diet and build your immune system to be balanced.

Also read our latest blog on Natural Ways to BOOST Your Immune Syste

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