Tactics to Beat Anxiety Disorders

Have you ever got stuck in an elevator or came across with numerous scary thoughts before giving a big speech? Well, this is the sign of anxiety. Everyone has anxiety from time to time but too much anxious mind can draw a negative impact on your daily life. Anxiety is not bad however, you are most probably aware of danger; stay organized with your schedule and helps you calculate risks. The most important factor states one gets prepared for the worst situation if it comes.

But an excessive part of anxious mind can lead a person to suffer tremendous mental and physical health conditions. Although, it not only affects your mind but creates a vulnerable situation by which you fail to perform your daily activities in a better way. Anxiety disorder can range from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which is intense worrying to panic disorder. A person therefore feels sweating, shaking, shivering and fail to concentrate on the current work.

Study says, when you’re feeling anxious or scared, your body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.  Releasing such hormones is somehow helpful and good for your health but they result in sweating.


What Causes Anxiety And How It Can Affect Your Life?

Anxiety as said above can be caused by the fear of uncertainty, scary dreams and hopes of risks. Too much anxious mind is bad for your health and it can however create a worst situation for you.  Unchecked anxiety might greatly impact your daily life, let’s see how?

  • It can interfere with the quality of your life
  • It can cause behavioral changes
  • It can affect Physical and Mental Health

Anxiety is the most vicious disorder that interrupts your action and loses the control of your mind. It increases your breathing rate and heart rate that don’t allow you to perform your work. You however face an intense situation. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says, women tend to suffer anxiety more as compared to men. Well, anxiety can occur in any group, be it child, middle age woman or grandfather.

Take Control of Anxiety Disorder Today!
Beat Anxiety Disorders
Daily Work Out

Exercise on daily basis can help you ease anxiety. Not only short term but you experience anxiety relief from many hours after work-out. Physical activity is always best as it fills you with energy and let you perform your daily work with no worries and stress. People with weak immune system must exercise on regular days to stay healthy and happy.

Avoid Alcohol Completely

Alcohol is a natural soothing process. A glass of wine or a finger of whiskey can somehow make you feel stress-free from anxious mind but once you are done with it, you again fall into the pit and may be you tend to suffer more anxiety. You may even develop alcohol dependence, if you rely on alcohol to relieve anxiety rather treating the root of the problem.

Caffeine is your Enemy

Remember one thing; caffeine is not your friend. Caffeine although causes nervousness and boosts anxiety more which is not good for your health. It may cause panic attacks and worsen the anxiety disorders. In some cases, people who don’t consume caffeine may significantly improve anxiety symptoms.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is the most and the foremost stress relieving factor when you feel anxiety. Few insomniac people suffer a lot and find the common symptoms of anxiety. Sleeping must be your first priority rather than sitting home alone and filling up yourself with stress. You must prefer sleep by:

  • Only sleeping at night
  • Not watching television in bed
  • Not using phone or tablet in bed
  • Not turning into the bed, go to another room until you feel sleepy
  • Avoiding large meals before bedtime
  • Keeping your room dark and cool
  • Noting down your worries before going to bed
  • Fix timings to go to bed for sleep
Meditation is the Best Medicine

Though, it might be very challenging to practice half an hour meditation as chaotic thoughts keep running through your mind. Still, meditation helps you in relieving from such chaos and keeps you away from useless thoughts. Replacing it with the sense of calm and mindfulness of the present moment, meditation is known for its stress relieving exercise.

Check your Eating Habits

It is rightly said, a good food makes a good mood!  We often fail to intake healthy diet and this somehow turns into worst health conditions. You must keep a check on your eating habits if you feel anxiety after eating food. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients. Eat fruits, vegetables and also prefer drinking juice on daily basis. Such balanced diet will not only keep your healthy but also boost your immune system.

Practice Deep Breathing

You might have felt fast breathing with anxiety. It may lead you to panic attack or anxiety attack. To diminish this process, you must practice the slow or even deep breaths every morning. Deep breathing exercise can help restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety.

The Bottom Line

Anxiety is a natural oriented process that can happen with any person despite of the age or gender. Well, to remove the clutter of distress state of mind, one must dedicate himself or herself to serve others with the motive of helping the needy and helping yourself too by gaining positivity. One must practice mindfulness activities and trash the negative thoughts that come in a way. Exercise more and stay happy all the time.

You can also ask us queries related to Anxiety and even share your experience you ever felt before in the Comment Section below. 


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