Addressing the Positive and Negative Factors for Immune System

Our body has its unique defence mechanism which keeps us protected from harmful foreign agents. The basic function of our immune system is to detect and destroy those foreign agents which are capable of making us ill. Pathogenic bacteria, virus, fungi are some of the invaders that our immune system protects us from. To understand how immune system works, let me put it this way. A fort protected by ministers and soldiers which comprises its defence system. Here fort is our body, ministers are the white blood cells and soldiers are the antibodies and you guessed it right, the defence system is our immune system. The invaders are obviously the pathogens.

It is not as simple as it seems. Our immune system works on a balanced scale that is set by its regulatory cells, receptors and stimulators. When you are exposed to infectious agents, your immune system gets into action following a series of steps that defines and strengthen it. A normal functioning immune system accomplishes this task very well, however it can be hindered when subjected to certain factors. The positive factors enhance immune system whereas the negative factors weaken it. Let me elaborate these factors and give you an insight on the importance of our immune system.  

We should always start with expelling the negative energy around us, hence let’s take a look at the negative factors first which should be avoided at all cost for the sake of the well being of your immune system:

Negative Factors for Immune System
Chronic stress

Stress is one of the major causes of a failing body mechanism. It has been proven that if your body is suffering due to stress, whether it is physical or emotional, your body’s immunity will be affected to. It will be swamped up with the coping mechanisms and continuous attempts at stabilizing body system that it won’t be much efficient to ward off oncoming infections.

When our body is attacked by foreign bodies, which in this case is stress, our body activates its stress hormones which have been evolutionarily programmed to get activated upon detection of a threat. The response is then given out as fight or flight mechanism. The presence of long lasting stress or chronic stress in your body leads to accumulation of these stress hormones in minor amount in your body. Such hormones are then always present in your body’s circulatory system via blood. This gives rise to chronic inflammation of organs and results in tiring out our immune system. A fatigued immune system is not efficient enough to fight against infections and provide potential protection to the body.

Psychological trauma or grief

Any sort of mental pressure that causes adverse effects gives rise to psychological trauma which is another cause of stress. A long term trauma or grief has extremely negative impact on your immune system. The devastating effect of trauma if left untreated can reach multitudinal limits. Our immune system might start giving altered immune response which can last for very long time. The effects are not detected immediately hence there is no sure shot way of treating this if not detected on time. Those suffering from a loss of their loved ones or any other mental stress have shown to exhibit delayed or weak immune responses as compared to others.   


The major effect of loneliness is that triggers others psychological disorders such as baseless fear, anxiety, stress and altered mood. This makes it another causative agent of weak immune system.


Carcinogens are the substances that has the potential to cause cancer. These substances are largely responsible for abnormal mutation of normal body cells. The same normal body cells that play a vital role in sustenance of your immune system.  When those cells are compromises or altered, they are no longer capable of defending your body against harmful foreign agents. Take it as, soldiers of a defence force forgetting the art of combat or getting brainwashed or worse, eliminated before the battle.

Some well known carcinogens are benzene, asbestos, nickel, vinyl chloride, tobacco, formaldehyde, UV rays, radiation, radon, alcohol, pollutants, etc.


Post-radiation therapies, patients often fall prey to various infections due to the breach in their immune system security. This happens because the radiations used for the treatment kills the infected cells along with some healthy ones due to its inefficiency of discriminating between them. The damage done can be beyond cellular levels and reach genetic composition too. The radioactive effects of the naturally occurring Radon gas over your immune system can be very bad. It will be wise to avoid the natural sources of such radioactive gases for the sake of your overall health.  


Alcohol consumption is hazardous if taken in excess. To determine how much is too much, you don’t need any particular scale. Just exceeding the limit of two glasses per day should be able to make the cut. Besides messing up your brain functions, kidney and renal systems, alcohol consumption has ill effects on your immune system as well. It weakens your immune system by altering the composition of normal microorganisms in your body. This leads to increase in inflammation and immunity failure. Excessive consumption of alcohol can turn off the abilities of certain immunity cells such as white blood cells and disable body’s inflammatory response. This confuses the cells and leads to improper immune response or total imbalance.


Needless to say, smoking is the worst of them all! The amount of nicotine present in one cigarette is capable enough to cause irreparable damage to your respiratory system. The respiratory infections such as coronavirus can get an easy prey in the form of a smoker. Not only your respiratory system, but now studies have shown that smoking has adverse effects on your immune system as well. Nicotine causes alterations in the immune response which is identified by a decrease in inflammatory response. It also causes delayed antibody production and inefficient receptor cell functioning.

Processed foods

Processed foods are often packed with unhealthy fats which your body find difficult to digest. Under stressful conditions, body’s digestive system slows down and your immune system is affected. Instead of fighting against infections, it gets involved in taking care of the digestion of those unhealthy foods. As a result, your immune system becomes incapable of defending your body.

High Sodium foods (canned and preserved)

Canned and preserved foods contain very high levels of sodium. High level of sodium consumption is capable of triggering abnormal immune response. The high level of sodium in your system leads to suppression of regulatory cells and altering of immune system. The regulatory cells- T-cells are involved in the anti-inflammatory response of your immune system. Once suppressed, the whole system falls apart.

Too little or too much exercise

Too much and too less, both are not healthy, especially in case of body movements. Moving lesser than you are needed has direct impact on your immune system. When you overdo your physical movements through over exercise, you make your immune system weak rather than strengthening it. over exercising has harmful impact over your immune system as it leads to increase of Interleukin, a class of glycoprotein produced by white blood cells that helps in regulation of immune response. Its increases quantity depresses immune system and leads to improper functioning.


Medications are important but it is found that certain drugs have adverse effects over your immune system. Medications such as heartburn, acid-blocking, corticosteroids affects your immune system in negative manner. The acid medications reduces the stomach acid levels which give opportunity to bacteria and yeast to flourish and ultimately weaken immunity. Steroid medications are prescribed for the treatment of autiimmune, bone, respiratory diseases but prolonged usage of steroids leads to decrease in inflammation and reduced chemical functioning of immune system. High concentration of some steroids such as, Glucocorticoids causes inhibition of production of regulatory cells which are the main factors of immune system.

With the negative factors out of the way, let’s go through the positive ones that you should abide by for strengthening your immune system:


Positive Factors for Immune System


Take proper rest and sleep

Everything is better when your mind is well rested. It is a scientific fact that a full on 7 hour sleep is very important for your health. It is a recovering mode for your body which replenishes it. For a strong immune system, sleep has very important role. Let me help you remember the time when you became sick for no reason and your doctor advised you to take proper rest and avoid stress. The reason is right there! Not taking proper rest!

Lack of sleep and rest lead to fatigue and higher stress levels. This deactivates your immune system and causes increase in inflammation.

Improper sleep cycle has adverse effects on the secretion of melatonin, which is a natural antioxidant that enhances innate and acquired immunity.

Proper sleep has wonderful effects on our body.  While we sleep, the level of the stress hormone Cortisol gets reduced which leads to enhanced immune functions.

Stay active 

Your body needs physical activity to function properly. Being active helps your body’s circulatory system to stay healthy and discard harmful agents. A minimum of 30 minutes walk every day can do wonders. Stay active for your immune system.

Maintain well hygiene

The importance of hygiene is more applicable now than ever! Keeping your body and house clean and germ-free is the most crucial step for the fight against COVID-19. The fundamental idea is straight forward. Washing your hands with a good cleansing agent minimises chances of you contracting the infection and gives your immune system a break. You should follow WHO’s guidelines to wash your hands for at least 15 seconds. You can check this blog about coping mechanism during quarantine: “How to live with the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak?”  

Keep the disease away by adopting preventive measures. In the absence of a cure, social distancing and good hygiene practice are the best shot we have against coronavirus.

Follow a balanced meal plan

Healthy diet and antioxidants are the building blocks of the protective barrier that our immune system thrives on. A perfect combination of a healthy life style, diet and physical activity is what is needed for a full functioning immune system. A well balanced diet is what fuels your immune system. Overcome any nutritional deficiencies for strengthening your immune system. Eat foods rich in vitamins C and E, minerals, essential nutrients and beta carotene that will help you accomplish this task.

It is recommended to consume 4 cups of fruits and vegetables each day to build up immunity against pathogens. Some super foods that are immunity boosters are green tea, garlic, ginger, herbs, citrus fruits, red bell pepper, spinach, coconuts, blueberries, apples, almonds, nuts, sweet potatoes, fish, poultry, dark chocolate, yogurt, broccoli, etc. Go through my other blog “Boost your Immune System with these Super foods” for a detailed perspective.  

Think positive

Be optimistic, especially during these times. I know it can be very hard to be optimistic while struggling to manage our lives but only living for the moment can suffice. You don’t have to be the superhuman that you have always been expected to be. Think positive thoughts about your life after the quarantine and how you will utilise this time to get there. Believe it or not, faking optimism can also work out but I do not encourage it. Believe in yourself that you can overcome anything. Filling up your mind with positive thoughts will benefit your immune system in tremendous ways.  In order to achieve those health benefits, you need adopt positive perspective towards life. Your immune system is not all about your physical health but also your mental peace. A calm and positive mind has benefits that are directly proportional to body’s immune system. So chin up and cheer your health and immunity.

In conclusion

There are various factors that cause different impact on immune system. Sorting out good from bad factors is a piece of cake and just as easy to follow through. Factors such as diet, hygiene, stress, sleep and abiotic factors have their fair share of role where immunity gets affected either by their highs or lows. You need to adopt some lifestyle changes to strengthen your immune system during this pandemic.

  • Quit smoking
  • exercising on regular basis
  • Quit alcohol consumption
  • Take a proper 7 hour sleep
  • Expel stress from your life
  • Follow proper hygiene practice
  • Consume a healthy and balance diet
  • Stay away from unhealthy foods

Follow through these points and treat your body well. Your immune system will be much obliged.

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