Creative Ways to Enjoy the Green Tea Benefits
Creative Ways to Enjoy the Green Tea Benefits
Are you fitness enthusiasts? One of the healthiest drinks in the world, green tea is considered to be the highest range of antioxidants in comparison to other teas. Although tea drinking has been connected with the health benefits for centuries, while getting the most out of their cups, it is said to be the healthy power of tea. One, who aspires to lose weight, wants a glowing skin, and the prevention of diseases, green tea works as the best medium for them.
One of the healthiest beverages, green tea is the best source of a group known as Catechins. Catechins are more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appear to have other disease-fighting properties.
We often tend to worsen our eating habits and there is no single super food that can protect you from disease. Green tea though makes a great difference.

Following are the Health Benefits of Drinking GREEN TEA
Promotes Weight loss
Green tea helps you to lose weight but remember to consume it without sugar or honey. Survey and the studies suggest that the flavonoids and caffeine present in green tea can help boost your immune system, metabolism rate and fat oxidation and also improve insulin activity. The small alternative for sugary drinks help you lose numbers of pounds in a very few weeks. One can save himself/herself from consuming thousands of calories over the next year once you decide to substitute green tea for a bottle of an altered drink or processed juice. This means you can easily lose 3-5 kilos (or more). But before you start with your green tea, make sure you don’t consume it with sugar or honey! It may not be effective.
Prevents Cancer
Associated with a reduced risk for several types of cancer such as breast, lung, skin, colon, esophageal and bladder, green tea diminishes such vulnerable diseases accordingly. With a high consumption of green tea, cancer rates are also generally lower in countries. According to the study, researchers believe that the high level of polyphenols in green tea help kill cancerous cell and give a stop to them from growing. Although, the accurate mechanism through which green tea does this is still unknown! Green tea is known to aid healthy cells in their growth and the results of green tea’s effect on cancer have been somewhat mixed. In green tea, laboratory and animal studies have shown the polyphenols:
- Diminishes tumour growth
- Might protect against ultraviolet UVB radiation damage
Good for the Heart
The healthy drink reduces mortality because of all causes, including cardiovascular disease. It was said that the people who drank 5 or more cups of green tea on regular basis had a far lower reduced risk of dying commonly from cardiovascular disease than those who drank less than one cup of tea every day.
Green Tea Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels
Consuming green tea affects your cholesterol levels positively. The (high levels of) antioxidants in green tea can help:
- block the oxidation of the bad-for-health LDL cholesterol
- increase the good-for-health HDL cholesterol
- improve artery function
Green Tea Helps Reduce the Risk of Stroke
Adding green tea in your diet on continuous basis helps reduce the risk of stroke. People who drank green tea every day had approximately 20-30% lower risk for one type of stroke in comparison to those who did not or drank it seldomly. So, what are you waiting for? Add green tea in your daily schedule and make a promise to yourself to intake it daily. Though it is a small but positive lifestyle change you can make to live long.
Prevent Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Based on the research, green tea might help skin disorders such as dandruff and psoriasis. Researchers who studied animal models for skin conditions caused by the inflammation and overproduction of skin cells found that animals treated with green tea showed slower growth of skin cells.
Supports a Healthy Brain
Everyone out there look for a way to help brains sharp as they age. Few studies say that the antioxidants present in green tea might have beneficial effects on our neurological system. From oxidative stress, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) might protect brain cells. Well, oxidative stress can lead to diseases such as Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s and much more. There was one more study that explained who drank green tea beverage on regular basis had better brain function and improved task performance than the people who did not.
The Bottom Line
However, green tea might have a wide range of health benefits and can be a great ingredient to a healthy lifestyle. So, a great thanks to its powerful antioxidants. Drinking green tea is an easy and tasty way to add healthy antioxidants to your diet whether you want to improve your general health or decrease your risk of disease. Well, you can also include nutrients, vitamins, minerals combining with vegetables, fruits and other dry fruits along with a green tea that will benefit them in the long run.