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How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

July 7, 2020
How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

One of the most famous questions that strike almost in every student’s mind is “How many pages is 1000 words?” Regardless of what you are using MS Word or Google Docs, sometimes counting the words is essential for academic work. Pages not only rely on the number of words but also the font size, spacing margins, and paragraphs. By proceeding further, the method of counting pages depends on all the mandatory factors.

What if you are asked to write something that was 1000 words like an article or a blog post? 1000 words to pages? The reply to that questions depends on the source of those specific 1000 words. Is it in a word document? Is it on a website? Is it for a college application?

There are some basic calculations to check the word count whether it is Word or Google Docs:

  • If you are writing 1000 words with Arial font keeping the font size 12pt and single spacing, then 2 pages will be comprised from it.

  • If it is a 10pt font size and the font is Calibri, then it will take 2 pages to complete 1000 words with double space.

  • If you keep the font in Times New Roman, pages will be 4 and font size 12 pt with double space.

Calculating pages relying on words!

One must need to take care of it while writing academic papers as the number of pages depends on formatting. Pages rely on the methods you format your page. It is often sometimes that assignments are provided to you not on the basis of word count but on the basis of pages. The teacher indeed dictates the formatting of the project. The number of pages varies on the basis of that. Words even play a secondary role in it. The options as well as the use of words put a major impact on your writing. Specifically, when you are writing a personal blog or an essay, you have to be very selective about your words. The reason is as it will help you to justify your arguments in a specific and correct manner.

Here are few examples, let’s have a look at some!

Example 01:

The pages will rely on the font size, type, margins, and spacing if the word limit is 1000. Depending on the spacing guidelines, it would even take 2-4 pages. In the case of writing the essay by hand, then it will partially depend on the student’s handwriting.

Example 02: 

For a website, suppose you are trying a blog of 500 words. In such circumstances, the number of pages will rely on the layout of the website page. It will showcase the ultimate look of the text. More to this, you can go through the word count on Word or Google doc. Therefore, the number of pages will be determined by the various layout of the web page.

Counting Page is a Subjective Matter!

Certainly, you will observe that page count is subjective if you closely look at an article or any blog. Because of the advertisements, it can last up to 10-12 pages for magazines. Although, when you write 500 words essay, it might take a page or two relying on the formatting. Even for children’s books, 500 words can take 20 pages. The large fonts and images take 500 words to go up to 20 pages.

So, let’s talk about it in a practical manner, “How many pages is 1000 words?” depends on the font, size, margins, space, and other factors also. Where you are publishing and for whom you are publishing also make a great deal along with that. It is nothing but a needed element in academics. It even keeps track of your personal reasons.

How Many Pages is….!

Single Spaced

Double Spaced

Count of pages in 500 words

1 page

2 pages

Count of pages in 1,000 Words

2 pages

4 pages

Count of pages in 1,500 Words

3 pages

6 pages

Count of pages in 2000 Words

4 pages

8 pages

Count of pages in 2500 Words

5 pages

10 pages

Count of pages in 3000 Words

6 pages

12 pages

Count of pages in 4000 Words

8 pages

16 pages

Count of pages in 5000 Words

10 pages

20 pages

Count of pages in 7500 Words

15 pages

30 pages

Count of pages in 10,000 Words

20 pages

40 pages

Count of pages in 20,000 Words

40 pages

80 pages

Count of pages in 25,000 Words

50 pages

100 pages

Count of pages in 30,000 Words

60 pages

120 pages

Count of pages in 40,000 Words

80 pages

160 pages

Count o pages in 50,000 Words

100 pages

200 pages

Count of pages in 60,000 Words

120 pages

240 pages

Count of pages in 70,000 Words

140 pages

280 pages

Count of pages in 75,000 Words

150 pages

300 pages

Count of pages in 80,000 Words

160 pages

320 pages

Count of pages in 90,000 Words

180 pages

360 pages

Count of pages in 1,00,000 Words

200 pages

400 pages

The Bottom Line!

If you are aware of the right ideas of what you are writing and how much words count you require to maintain throughout the article, writing couldn’t be a tough task. You have to maintain a word limit, whether you have to write an essay or assignments. Although, if you have problems related to word counts or writing your academic papers, worry not!

By concluding this, the number of pages for a particular amount of words rely on the font and size, margins, spacing and the structure of the paragraph. Be it’s a printed Word document, a published book, a magazine article or a page on a website even matters the final format of a piece of writing. Page count is either just a needed element of an academic or business assignment or something to keep the track of personal reasons.

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