70 Experimental Research topics on Molecular Biology & Genetics
70 Experimental Research topics on Molecular Biology & Genetics
Choosing a suitable topic for an experimental research paper can be a very hectic task, especially if it is about Molecular biology and genetics. The field has massive branches that one can find difficult to write about only one. Hence I have put together a list of original experimental research topics on molecular biology and genetics to make this task easier for students who wish to write their research paper on genetics and Molecular biology.
Make sure to make your thesis interesting and well resourced. An interesting title is the first step to conquer, so here are 70 experimental research topics for you to decide on your research paper on Molecular biology and genetics:
Are depression and genetics interlinked? Give proper explanation.
Bacterial genetic system. Explain and compare with Eukaryotic genetic system.
Can genetics be held responsible for sexual orientation? Give the relation between genetics and homosexuality, if there is one.
Can microbial manufacturing sources be utilized to mend the shortage of raw metals?
Can molecular biology be used to improve a person’s personality?
Can you alter ageing rate through DNA alteration?
Comment on the worldwide opposition to genetically modified crops. How is it related to economics and science?
Comment on whether personalized medicine is based on our own genome or not. Explain what is meant by the wave of the future.
Describe cloning and its processes. Talk about its impact on future generations.
Describe human genome sequencing.
Describe link between gene replacement and artificial chromosomes.
Describe Stem cells. Applications and disadvantages of its techniques.
Describe the principles of genetic engineering.
Does the bitter taste in the Brassica genus plants come from their genetic makeup? Explain the role of genetics for the answer.
Draw the connection between autism and genetics.
Explain gene, DNA, RNA in humans.
Explain how biological research of rare genetic disorders at molecular level can aid in providing an understanding of incurable illnesses such as cancer?
Explain how DNA is the main factor of heredity.
Explain how ethical it is to grow human organs?
Explain how Gorilla genome can be utilized to help the endangered Apes survive extinction.
Explain how RNA information works?
Explain molecular evolution and genome evolution. Compare and contrast.
Explain stem cell treatment and how ambitious this treatment is to find a cure for incurable diseases?
Genetics and cancer; interrelation and contrast.
Explain how genome studies on Pandoravirus lead to fourth domain’s unravelling research and NLF.
Give a beginner’s guide on Genes and DNA. Include various applications of genetics and molecular biology.
Give a brief assessment of gene expression.
Give a thorough genetic analysis of DNA. Its structure and characteristics.
Give an elaborate genetic diagnosis of human foetus.
Give the history of human cloning science. How much has it developed in the past decades?
Give the molecular evidence of interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals?
Give the molecular techniques used for the analysis of genomes, DNA, RNA, proteins.
How can genetic code be made confidential?
How can genetic mutation be used to treat diseases such as Sickle Cell Anaemia, Malaria and so on?
How can genetic mutation help to treat Osteoporosis?
How can genetic tests help Alzheimer’s patients?
How can genomic hybridization be used to enhance traits of fruits, vegetables and crops?
How can you prove the link between genetics and Parkinson’s disease?
How genetics can be used by researchers to help humans live longer and healthier?
How genetics influence the major side of behaviour?
How obesity is related to genetics?
How safe are genetically modified foods for human consumption?
How to connect the dots between genetics and obesity? How are the two linked?
Illustrate how in-vitro fertilization technique can lower chances of infants from Inheriting genetic defects.
Influence of genetic factors over a person’s behaviour.
Is it possible to achieve immortality through avalanche research on genetic coding?
Is it possible to increase bone density through genetic mutation to prevent fragile bone condition? Explain.
List out the major benefits of doing an extensive research on biological dark matter.
Molecular cancer genetics; give an outline about the recent advances done about it.
Role of gene interaction for eye development.
Role of genetic factors to increase cancer susceptibility.
Shed light over the importance of genetics in behavioral studies?
Show how addictive substances can bring changes to our genes.
Talk about HIV Virus resistance through genetic mutation in CCR5 Delta 32 research and analysis.
Talk about the possibility of living cells in the gene.
Targeted mutagenesis. Explain.
Usage of cloning for medicine development.
Use of genetics to explain the developing process of disease?
What are the different types of cloning?
What are the factors that can be rendered to be the main cause or contribution factors of genetic mutations?
What are the recent advances that have been done in the field of genetics? Its contribution to treat mental illnesses.
What effects physical activities have on the DNA traits that are passed onto the next generation?
What is behavioural epigenetics? What are its applications?
What is gene editing? Describe gene editing technologies.
What is the correlation between molecular biology, child Psychiatry and research for the mentally challenged?
What is the impact of gene editing on the techniques of genetic engineering?
What is the role of genetics for study of Cancer diseases?
What is the role of genetics to find the cure for Alzheimer’s disease?
With age, is it possible for genetic abnormalities to be passed on to the next generation?
With the help of genetics, explain the conditions of illnesses such as Allergy and Asthma.
In conclusion
The experimental research topics on genetics and molecular biology given above are the latest and the thesis should be structured well in order to get the balance figured out as per the content and title. Give a good read of all these search paper topics and come up with an excellent research paper that makes good use of the chosen topic. Collect all the relevant information, needed research evidence and materials that will help to shape up your thesis. Before beginning to write your paper on any of the above given genetics topic, make sure that you understand the format of the research paper completely and make a thorough research, analysis and well studied outline. When you feel you’re ready and have every needed information, project those info and ideas into your research paper and write an informational thesis full of relevant and factual information.