A List of Experimental Research Topics on Environmental Sciences

A List of Experimental Research Topics on Environmental Sciences

Students belonging to science stream are assigned to submit research papers during their school or college years. The topics can either be already given to them or chosen by random selection. However, it is mostly observed that research papers with good and attractive titles are always given extra attention and better credits. Hence it is important to select topic for Environmental Sciences research paper very carefully. Some students might find it troublesome to find the perfect topic due to various reasons. Either every Environmental Sciences topic is already taken or most topics don’t seem that appealing.

 Let me help you with your dilemma through a list of popular Environmental sciences experimental research topics related to the ecological field of science.

Here are 70+ experimental research topics on Environmental sciences that you can refer to for our research paper:

  1. Accuracy of science facts exhibited by science museums. Are they really educational in terms of science?

  2. Bird banding program; what is it? How North American people can be a part of it?

  3. Briefly comment on ecological disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima. How the ecology of entire Earth was altered after those disasters?

  4. Can diseases that affect animals also get transmitted to humans?

  5. Can humans be held responsible for species mass extinction globally?  

  6. Comment on the importance of the climate change legislation.

  7. Comment on the political and technological issues associated with changing of emission standards.

  8. Comment on the safety of offshore drilling.  

  9. Comment whether climate change is somehow beneficial for some ecosystems.

  10. Comment whether disposable items should be legally banned or limited in cities.

  11. Discuss certain technologies that could help in curbing greenhouse gases.

  12. Discuss the level of safe dependence on alternative energy sources such as, solar, wind, geo, and tidal?

  13. Effects of toxic waste over a community.

  14. Elaborate on the fact that some insects are used as models for mini-robots.

  15. Explain how acid rain formation is majorly linked to human industrial activities?

  16. Explain how green Chemistry is a better option to mend the loss caused by technological advancement to the environment?

  17. Explain the significance of the diverse range of coloured feathers found in birds.

  18. Explain ways through which Carbon dioxide levels are getting decreased on earth with the increase in the usage of eco-friendly electronic products.

  19. Give the importance of policy changes associated with emission of greenhouse gasses.

  20. Give your views on the concept of alternative energy used by companies. Suggest whether they should be given government subsidies.

  21. Give your views on the practice of recycling of metals. How necessary is it?

  22. How beneficial are the humankind for Earth?

  23. How can counties that are mostly responsible for global increase in pollution, implement eco-friendly measures effectively?

  24. How can encouragement of eco-tourism help sustain the environment?

  25. How can we avoid fertilizer plant disasters efficiently?

  26. How can we conserve Antarctic?

  27. How can we potentially save endangered species on global level?

  28. How can we preserve indigenous species of flora and fauna in an ecosystem?

  29. How can we significantly improve the environmental Sciences  conditions in areas where it is affected the most?

  30. How can we supply pollution-free drinking water to rural people or third-world countries?

  31. How effective are zoos for the protection of endangered or rare animals?

  32. How effective is cutting off animals’ tusks and horns by forest rangers for the prevention of hunting? Are poachers only after their horns?  

  33. How much effective is the usage of recycled products? Do green products really help?

  34. How much harmful are green house gases for human health?

  35. How seriously science fiction theories about environment change should be taken? Suggest what theories can be held credible?

  36. How significant would be the reduced rate of emissions on global level?

  37. How the numbers of amphibians are declining more day by day? What are the main reasons and what can be done for it?  

  38. Importance of the unique biosphere of Antarctic and its climate.

  39. Is global warming entirely caused by humankind? How can it be considered as a part of Earth’s natural cycle?

  40. Is it alright to use nuclear energy more?

  41. Is it possible to build safe nuclear reactors?

  42. Is it possible to regenerate coral reefs?

  43. List various types of methods that can be implemented in order to eliminate many risks that rise against environment due to the heavy Carbon emissions from industrial waste.  

  44. Mention the long-term impact of nuclear accidents.

  45. Point out the major consequences of open combustion of polythene and how burning it openly in the environment can be very lethal?

  46. Role and importance of nuclear energy.

  47. Shed light on the theory that hydraulic fracking has got the potential to destroy many vital ecosystems.

  48. Show how genetic information is being used by scientists in order to help preserve endangered species.

  49. Show how pollution can potentially cause mass extinction on global level.

  50. Show the ill effects of the massive air pollution on human health.

  51. Specify the role of house gardens and planting by individuals in restoration of Earth.

  52. Suggest best ways to fulfil world’s growing need of sustainable energy.

  53. Suggest best ways to protect rain forests.

  54. Suggest the best way to check wildfires.

  55. Suggest ways through which excessive free radicals can be removed from the atmosphere. How to restore environment?

  56. Suggest ways to reduce level of Carbon dioxide emissions in countries with maximum air pollution reports.

  57. Suggest whether there is an actual need of more government funding for the purpose of alternative energy R & D.

  58. Talk about the importance of coral reefs. What would be the consequences when they possibly get extinct?

  59. Talk about the prehistoric wildlife and how did it help in the development of present and future ecosystems?

  60. The impact of oil drilling on coastal species.

  61. What are Biomes and Ecosystems? What new types of Biomes can be formed in the coming future?

  62. What are Killer mosquitoes in the US? Debate whether their approval by the country’s government to be used as anti-disease would be an effective measure or not.

  63. What are the different types of clouds? How are they created? What is the significance of different types of clouds?  

  64. What do you mean by Green building? Comment whether it is helpful for the sustenance of environment.

  65. What is fracking? Is it responsible for causing more earthquakes and other natural calamities?  

  66. What is green energy? How green is it? What is its impact over the ecosystem?

  67. What is greenhouse effect? Give proof of its role in global warming.

  68. What is meant by peak oil? How soon will we able to make it happen?

  69. What is the significance of hibernation in animals?

  70. What role tectonic movements play in the ecosystem?

  71. Which electronic products are not responsible for more emission of green house gases?

  72. Wrath of acid rain over historical monuments; point towards main culprits: Sulphur and Nitrate and their role for causing acid rain.

In the final note

Environment is greatly getting damaged more and more every moment. Sadly, global warming is an imminent threat that some doesn’t even believe that it exists. Being a student of science, it is your responsibility to use your knowledge for at least enlighten people about the global extinction that is looming on us all, majorly because of our own deeds. Find a topic that serves justice with this purpose as well as presents you with an impressive dissertation paper.

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