Is Coronavirus Transmitting from Animals to Humans?
Is Coronavirus Transmitting from Animals to Humans?
Is Coronavirus Transmitted from Animals to Human :- The huge family of viruses, Coronavirus has become a disturbing dispute all over the world. Some coronaviruses cause cold-like illness in people, while others cause illness in a few types of animals such as cattle, camels and bats. Animals whereas gets affected with coronaviruses such as canine and feline coronaviruses that however doesn’t infect humans.

Can be Risky for the People
It is been said that spreading coronavirus from infected animals can be transmitted to humans, but it is rare. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome are the examples of diseases caused by coronaviruses that originated in animals and later spread to people. Although there’s still no source found for the same even the Public Health Officials and their partners are still researching and identifying the source of COVID-19. The first infection was linked to the animal market, later it got transmitted from person to person. The Coronavirus similar to the virus causing COVID-19 is of that causing SARS.
At present, there’s no evidence found that humans can get infected by animals including pets or they might be a source of infection in the United States.
How can you stay healthy around animals?
No proof has been suggested that animals including pets, livestock or wildlife may be a source of COVID-19 in the United States. Although, it is always good to practice healthy habits around the pets and animals as they can carry germs which make people sick.

What can you do to stay safe?
- Wash your hands properly with soap while you serve them with food or supplies.
- Prefer good pet hygiene and clean up after coming into contact with the pets properly.
- You can also take your pets to the veterinarian regularly and stay in touch with your veterinarian if you have any query regarding your pet’s health.

Ways to Protect your Pets if you’re Sick
You should always restrict and avoid staying in touch with your pets and other animals, if you are suffering from COVID-19 (either minor or confirmed). However, there are no reports found that pets or animals becoming sick with COVID-19, it is still recommended that people with COVID-19 must limit the contact with animals and their pets until the more updates on such agenda is not out. This is will let you and your pets stay healthy and safe.
You can also suggest the other member of your family take care of your pet when you are unwell. You must avoid staying closer to them, feeding them with food, snuggling or being kissed. Don’t even stay nearby to them as they can catch germs easily. If you care for your pets or be around animals while you are sick, wash your hands with soap, before and after interacting with them.

Stop Yourself and Others from Getting Infected
Wash your hands properly nearby about 20 seconds and repeat this oftentimes. Whether you get home or into work, keep your hands clean with water and soap. If you don’t find soap or water, you can also go with hand sanitizer gel which caters alcoholic solution in it. You must avoid touching your face. If you are likely to cough or sneeze, do it into the tissue or the crook of your elbow, avoid doing it on your hand. Throw away the used tissues in the bin. Stay away or avoid meeting people who reflect positive possible COVID-19 symptoms
Add Your Heading 19 Patients Under Home Care and Isolation who have Pets or Other Animals: Consideration for COVID-19Text Here

People suffering from coronavirus disease must be advised to inform their public health point of contact that they have pets or other animals in their homes. Such people with COVID-19 who are identified by public health officials as requiring home care and isolation should be told to avoid interaction with pets and other animals in addition to other prevention measures. Separation from pets is just as they would transmit to other human and animals outside. Especially, symptomatic people should prevent direct contact with pets, including petting and being licked. Animals must be permitted to remain with their handlers who are not suffering from COVID-19.
There are various possible ways that a household member should be designated for taking care of the pets in the home. If the person is in home, he/she must care for pets including washing hands after and before touching them, wearing a mask while interacting with pets unless and until they are medically cleared to return to the normal activities.

The Bottom Line: No evidence found that Companion Animals including Pets can Spread COVID-19
In the home of a person with COVID-19, when a public health professional is notified of a pet or other animal, they must inform the state public health veterinarian or other designated animal health professional.
The rapidly growing situation and information will be updated soon once it is confirmed and becomes available.