Why You Should Drink Beetroot Juice Every day?
Why You Should Drink Beetroot Juice Every day?
It becomes far more difficult to own a healthy lifestyle especially when one aspires for a fit body, glowing skin and lowering blood pressure altogether. Once you step out of your home, you will find samosa’s, pizza’s, burgers and other fast food served in malls, restaurants and on stalls. Such a diet is unhealthy and vulnerable to your health. It can lower your energy, reduce your metabolism rate and create dizziness throughtout the day.
A healthy lifestyle is necessary to live a happy life ahead and with that adding beetroot juice to your daily diet will replace your unhealthy routine. Beetroots have become a popular food in several places being used as a culinary for numerous years. As compared to eating beet, drinking juice constitutes a lot of advantages that you must consider and enjoy while consuming it. Beet juice with a lot of specifications can easily be absorbed in your body system. You body functions effectively when start drinking it daily.

Beetroot is a root vegetable that is rich in vitamins, calcium and fibre, however, it fights with inflammation and fat floating inside your body. Nothing can be better than the beetroot helping with weight loss. The healthiest veggies including juice can be taken any time, rather it will be more beneficial if you drink it early morning before breakfast.
1.Lowers Blood Pressure
Drinking one glass of beetroot juice helps in lowering down the blood pressure despite any age group. Especially people with hypertension can control their BP even when it was not controlled by drug treatment and other medications. Based on the research done by ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing, its antioxidants diminishes cholesterol and blood pressure whereas the Vitamin B improves nerve function helping maintain a strong regular heartbeat.

2.Improves Work-out Stamina
Consuming beetroot juice give rise to plasma nitrate levels and uplifts physical performance. Based on the survey, trained cyclists who preferred drinking 2 cups of beetroot juice daily improved 10-kilometre time trial by approximately 12 seconds. Not only they stimulated their cycling time but also reduced their maximum oxygen output.
3.Virtually No Fat
Overweight people love this type of food that helps them cutting off their body fat without any effort. Beetroot is one-off example for the ones who wish to lose weight in no time. The juice is low in calories with zero fat in it. Well, it is the best option for your morning smoothie that gives you nutrients and works as an energy booster drink that gives a kick-off to your day.

4.Prevents Cancer
Beets constitutes of betalains, they are water-soluble antioxidants. Based on the study, betalains have chemo-preventive abilities against some cancer cell lines. The juice, however, helps in developing cancer or curing it if found in the body and even destroys unstable cells.
5.Rich in Potassium
Do you often feel low, fatigue or weak at home, at your workplace? It is better to go with potassium. The mineral is said to be electrolyte that helps nerves and muscles function properly. Extremely low potassium may lead to life-threatening heart diseases. Having beet juice consistently helps you in keeping your potassium level favourable.
6. Reduce Fat in the Liver
The excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to a toxic substance or a full-time sitting job leads to overloaded liver and you tend to fall into nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Beetroots consists of betaine, a substance that cut-off useless fat from the liver. Betaine might also protect your liver from toxins.

7. Reduces Cholesterol
Having high cholesterol? The beet juice will surely replace your cholesterol ordeal. In a survey, it was said that rats found beetroot extracting low cholesterol and increased HDL (good) cholesterol. It even diminished oxidative stress on the liver
What Precautions must be taken while adding Beetroot in your diet?
Excessive of anything is harmful to a body. If you intake high range of beetroots, your urine and stools might turn red or pinkish after eating beets and you may fall into the situation known as beeturia, which is quite harmless for your body. However, it may be surprising if you don’t expect it. Drinking beetroot juice on a continuous basis creates a vulnerable pressure dropping too low if you are already suffering low blood pressure problem. It is always good to monitor your blood pressure.

If you are inclined to calcium oxalate kidney stones, I prefer you not to drink beetroot juice. The healthy liquid is high in oxalates that are naturally occurring substances resulting in crystals in your urine. Although, they may lead to stones. Although, if you don’t find such problems occuring in your body while consuming beetroot, do take it in a liquid form.
The Bottom Line
Not only juice but beetroot veggie can also be consumed in several distinct ways including beetroot rice, beetroot sabzi, beetroot halwa, beetroot veg chops. It is, however, healthy and effective too. So, with a cup of juice, enjoy your daily diet with amazing recipes.