Health Consequences of Sleep Disorders

Do you have trouble falling asleep? A Good Night sleep is necessary for your body. If you are one of the millions of people in the world who suffers from sleep disorder or you want to fall asleep faster, the techniques in this blog will help you fall asleep even in uncomfortable circumstances.

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), 50 million to 70 million US adults have a sleep disorder. Among that group, Insomnia is the most common. Waking up late often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep and even finding difficulty in falling asleep are the symptoms of Insomnia.

Sleep is essential for a strong immune system and to fight off diseases that come your way.

A lack of sleep can cause:
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Weight gain
  • Irritability
  • Memory problems
  • Depression or stress
  • Headaches
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How to stop Insomnia?

Some people love sleeping so much because it is a way for them to forget about the stress, problems and all the pain they are suffering with. But what about people who don’t sleep at all or sleep for lesser time. Here are few steps that will help you to sleep faster, easier and quicker and most important not spending a penny. You’ll be releasing the tension in different parts of your body step-by-step and once you are completed with these 5 easy steps you will be able to fall asleep in next 120 seconds. Let’s get started…

Step 1:

Lie face up in bed. Keep your muscles, your tongue, jaw and the muscles around your eyes in a relaxing status. Focus on the area in the centre of your forehead, only if you realize you have a frown. Your forehead should be absolutely smooth.

Step 2:

Drop your shoulders as low as possible. This will even help you stretch and release the tension in your neck. And after that relax your upper and lower arm on one side and then try it with the other arm. You can loosen your arms, hands and fingers if you find trouble relaxing your arms and even tighten them for a little bit.

Step 3:

Breathe out and relax your chest. Feel your lungs fill up with air.

Step 4:

Relax the tension from your thighs first and then let the relaxation pass through your calves. Finally focus on your feet and your ankles.

Step 5:

Now that the muscles in your body are relaxed, it’s time to take off thoughts that comes in your mind. Visualizing the images help clear your thoughts and block all the distractions that goes on in your mind.

Well, one of the most effective things you could ever do is avoid doing activities that are too engaging and stressful.  


 If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It’s         the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep. – Dale Carnegie

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It’ not important to sleep faster but a better sleep is equally essential for one. If you are still thinking, you’ve managed to get by OK so far, I appetite you to reconsider and give sleep the attention it deserves. If you’re not sleeping enough or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle may lost.

Make a Change in your Lifestyle

Lifestyle adjustments can be made through transformation that will greatly result in improving the quality of sleep specifically when they’re done with medical treatments. You may consider:

  • incorporating more vegetables and fish into your diet, and reducing sugar intake
  • reducing stress and anxiety by exercising
  • creating and sticking to a regular sleeping schedule
  • drinking less water before bedtime
  • limiting your caffeine intake, especially in the late afternoon or evening
  • decreasing tobacco and alcohol use
  • eating smaller low carbohydrate meals before bedtime

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can also significantly improve your sleep quality. While you enticed to sleep in the weekends, this can make it more difficult to wake up and fall asleep during your working days.

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How much SLEEP is enough?

One can face greater health risks when not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. So, what should be the sleeping hours of a human being? There are adults who require between seven and eight hours of sleep per night whereas children and adolescents require more than that. A person’s brain is said to be housekeeping. The recent study says sleep is critical for learning and memory. An individual who intake enough sleep tends to have a sharp memory.

During the sleep hours, unhealthy or abnormal proteins such as amyloids get cleared from your brain. For brain function and restoration, sleep is most critical. The obvious effect of the short term sleep deprivation makes a major impact on your ability to stay awake and alert that leads to accidents and injuries. As per the survey based on drowsiness taken by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the numbers related to auto accidents have been contributed to 100,000 and more than 1500 crash related deaths per year.

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What you can do to improve your Sleep?

If you are deprived of sleep and want to improve, give a start by reviewing healthy sleep behaviors. Therefore, if practicing those behaviors doesn’t resolve your sleep issues, I suggest you see your primary care provider.

There is nothing to worry more about it though! Sleep disorders are normally treatable. So, if you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, medical disorders, it will result in the most underlying causes of sleep loss. It can be successfully addressed by your regular physician.

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