Effective Tips to Get Rid of Combat Hair-fall in the Monsoon

Effective Tips to Get Rid of Combat Hair-fall in the Monsoon

The hot summer spell is almost at the end and you might be eagerly waiting for the rainfall arrival. Aren’t you? Well, monsoons are romantic yet soothing but everyone out there has hair fears. Oily scalp, hair fall, dull hair, and dry scalp create innumerable problems during the rainy season. Although, the hair fall is witnessed for a short span of time, mainly in the rainy season. It is however a temporary phase yet one can lose numerous strands in this period.

On a normal day, we often experience fall of our hair from 50 to 60 percent which is said to be healthy. But in the monsoon period, a person can experience a hair fall of more than 200 strands.

The humid temperature leaves hair worn out, lifeless, and rigid, as a result, you tend to lose clumps of hair in this season. The next major reason that adds to the problems is the presence of environmental pollution in rainwater that leads up to fungal infection on the scalp that weakens roots and causes hair fall. The problem is either severe and has to be dealt with rapidly as much as we hate to accept.

Hair fall

Well, no need to worry about it! Every problem has it’s solution, so we are here to provide you the exclusive information and tips that you need to follow to stop hair fall that work like a magic.

Protect your Hair from Damage this RAINY SEASON

Wet hair is weak and is always likely to break down. By keeping your hair dry, one can minimize the chances of breakage and damage caused by dampness and humidity. This is in turn helps in preventing hair fall in monsoon. You can use microfiber towel for drying your hair as it absorbs the water very quickly and causes minimum friction between your hair and towel to diminish hair fall. You must always gently air dry your hair at first and them comb it with a wide-toothed comb. Prefer not using equipement as they make your hair even more dry and rough during the monsoons.


During the rains, the humidity is inescapable and combined with chemicals in hair styling products can make your hair greasy that in turn increases the chances ofb hair fall because you will spend that much more time scrubbing your scalp to take it off. However, this might also lead to causing unwanted dandruff. Our hair turns rough and dry. Ultimately, you find your hair leading to heavier hair fall during the monsoons.

For this, a quick warm oil massage, followed by a hair wash can make your hair soft and manageable.

It is always good to avoid styling your hair too often!


Hair growth is strictly interconnected with our diet and lifestyle. No matter what, you might oil your hair regularly and apply natural hair masks but internal nourishment is as essential as external care. For expecting hair growth and thickness, eggs and dairy products are great foods. Milk, yogurt and eggs are loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids which is though best for your hair growth. Dairy products are even a great source of biotin(Vitamin B7) which is known to fight hair loss.


During the monsoon season, the high humidity causes your scalp to get wet that results to dandruff. In order to keep your scalp as dry as possible, make sure to keep an umbrella with you all the time in the rainy season. The arrival of monsoon brings you a great tension that makes your hair lifeless and damage.

However, you can use a harsh shampoo in a way to restore the bounce in your hair. It is a good way to make your hair thick and damage-free. Applying a good, nourishing, effective and mild shampoo can help you get rid of thin hair and rather help you in strengthening your hair along with keeping the shine and bounce intact.


Sprouts are said to be highly rich in fibre and nutrients like vitamin E, potassium and iron. The entire things are effective consistent of lustrous hair that prevent hair loss during the monsoon season. Consuming a small bowl of sprouts on regular basis will help you get rid of hair loss.

You might even add fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and raw salads to complete your diet.

Home Remedies to Control Hair Fall in Monsoon

  • Amla Pulp

This anti-inflammatory properties is well-known for stimulating hair growth.

  1. Take a mixture of lemon juice and amla pulp, one tablespoon each.

  2. Thoroughly give massage of this mixture into your scalp.

  3. Cover your head with a shower cap.

  4. Keep it for overnight and shampoo your hair the morning after.

  • Aloe Vera Juice

Enriched with high alkine properties that balances the pH levels and strengthens the growth of your hair.

  1. Simply give your hair a good source of aloe vera juice

  2. Apply it on your scalp and let it sit for around 1 hour or two before you rinse it off with water at a lukewarm temperature.

  • Methi Seeds

Also called fenugreek, methi contains hormone antecedents that help strengthening damaged hair follicles. However, this makes hair strong and immune to damage.

  1. Soak one cup of methi seeds in a bowl for a night

  2. Grind them properly to make a fine paste the morning after

  3. Give your hair a good application of the paste

  4. Cover your head with a cap while taking shower

  5. Wash your hair once 45 minutes are done.

The Bottom Line

Well, there are innumerable reasons for hair fall and dandruff being one of them. But special care and proper treatment can take-off your hair fall ordeal in no time. So, follow the steps mentioned above and share your experience related to strong and healthy hair with us via Comment Section mentioned below.

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