How Almonds Can Improve Your Heart Health?

How Almonds Can Improve Your Heart Health?

For a healthy lifestyle, you just need to adapt a healthy diet. Staying healthy and fit doesn’t require much of an effort. However, numerous lifestyle diseases at bay can come to an end by adding a few healthy foods to your diet, therefore, it surely helps. Almonds are one such source of the nutrition that are delicious and can be the best eatable to relish on-the-go.

For many Indian households, eating almonds in the morning has been a ritual since ages. For boosting immunity and enhancing brain health, this idea has been religiously followed with a belief that almonds can work wonders.

There are numerous and countless benefits of consuming almonds, these small, crunchy nuts are a powerhouse of nutrition and helps in boosting immunity, improving power of the brain and strengthening metabolism. In addition to this, most of us are simply not aware of its amazing health benefits and how it can help in defining and improving heart health.

What defines almond so healthy?

Almonds, enriched with the goodness of nature, are a vital and great source of minerals like magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium. Additionally, almonds are loaded with healthy proteins which not only improves heart health but in the similar time it can help in losing weight as it contains healthy dietary fibres. Not only this, these delicious and luscious nuts can also create the taste of fineness such as chocolates, shakes, smoothies or cereals.

In this blog, we’ll be casting a light on the tactics to add almonds to your daily diet in different and unique manner!

Almond Improves Heart Health

Almonds are referred and popular for their innumerable health benefits. Improving heart health and reducing cholesterol are one of the effective benefits of consuming them. Due to the presence of fatty acids like Omega 3, oleic and palmitoleic acids, almonds can effectively help in lowering LDL (bad cholesterol).

Almonds are a staple of a heart-healthy diet and facilitate several health benefits native to the Mediterranean climate. Almonds like many other nuts are high in fat that tends to provide them a bad rap with consumers. In general, it is true they are high in fat but they’re packed with healthy fats.

The research by scientists proof suggests that healthy fats found the Mediterranean diet, positively impact on the health of the heart.

The Lifetime Rewarding Experience of a Handful Almonds

 The nut is a combination of a complete pack of nutrition. Nuts include fat but the fat in it is healthy. And there’s no point in getting worried when you observe that they’re higher in fat on the nutrition label. The unsaturated fats aren’t just good for your heart, they strengthen serotonin levels during the day that in return helps you in sleeping better at night.

Almonds are very rich in vitamin E that caters to break-off the infection and boost your body’s immune system. The most impressive advantage of almonds is that they are a great source of fiber for the ones who have a regular check on their weight. This however, helps you in feeling fuller for a long time of period.

In a survey it was found that people who consume nuts at least twice a week were less likely to gain weight as compare to the people who did not have nuts in their diet. For the patients with type 2 diabetes, the amount of fiber found in almonds is especially crucial. The fiber maintains the stability of sugar in your body and also reduces the risk of having a spike. It even helps improve blood flow that is even vital for diabetics. But if you’re giving a try to cut back on calories with almonds, make sure to get attentive and cautious. For achieving this fiber-full factor, you only require a small handful of almonds.

One cup will cost you approximately 530 calories. So, it is better to stick with the about an ounce-about two dozen nuts-for about 160 calories.

The one line to look after a single serving of nuts is to imagine them covering a 3-inch by 3-inch sticky note or a quarter-cup quantity or measure. Almonds work as a powerful tool and keeps you strong throughout too because they are chock-full protein. The one-ounce offering contains 6 grams of protein. Several people are surprised to learn that almonds even helps to build strong bones and teeth. Bit by bit, almonds are highly rich in calcium among nuts boasting 75 milligrams per bit. For building your bones and keeping your body’s systems running at peak performance, calcium functions with Vitamin D. Though, almonds can make for a perfect post-workout snack.

Why Soaked Almonds are Better than Raw Almonds?

If every morning you are served with the daily dose of soaked almonds, then the person serving you is doing the best to your health. Making a choice between soaked almonds and raw almonds isn’t just a matter of the taste, it is about looking for the healthier option.

Why soaked almonds are better?

First of all, the brown peel of almonds contains a group of bitter compound that inhibits nutrient absorption. Once you soak almonds the peel comes off easily and permits the nut to release the entire nutrients in no time and easy manner.

How to soak?

The process of soaking almonds is very easy, you just need a handful of almonds in half a cup of water. Cover them and let them to soak for about 8 hours. After this, drain the water, peel off the skin and store them in plastic container. For about a week, these soaked almonds will last you.

The Bottom Line

Almonds include healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E in high quantity. The almond benefits in terms of health include lower sugar levels, low blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also help you in reducing hunger pangs and help you in losing weight in high number. Considering the entire things, almonds are said to be closely perfect as a food can get.

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