Tips to Enhance Body Immunity

Tips to Enhance Body Immunity

Important Note

Aside from social distancing and proper hygiene, no diet or lifestyle modification can protect you from developing COVID-19.

The key-points and the tactics mention below may boost your immune system but they don’t protect specifically against COVID-19.  

The alternate name we can give to build an immune system can be “a consistent healthy diet”. Now you might be wondering why I added the word consistent here! Everything that keeps you happy and healthy must be followed on continuous basis with no distractions in between and the same goes with the boosting immune system. But, due to busy schedule and running time so fast, we often skip our diet and suffer several diseases that greatly affect our health.

In this blog, we’ll be casting a light on the tips and strategies that will help in strengthening your immunity naturally. So, let’s have a look further and know the tactics to stay healthy and fit in such vulnerable situation.

Get Enough Sleep

There is an interconnection between sleep and immunity.

Even, an inappropriate or poor quality sleep is interconnected to a higher sensitivity to sickness. In a research it was said that amongst 164 healthy adults, the people who slept less than 6 hours each night were more likely to keep the hold of those who take rest for 6 hours or more every night. Getting appropriate rest and proper sleep might boost your natural immunity. Adults must aim to get 7 or more hours of sleep each night while teens require 8-10 hours and younger children and infants up to 14 hours. To better fight the illness, one must according to the age, must sleep more when sick to allow an immune system. If one is having a trouble falling asleep, then it is good to limit the screen time for an hour before bed as the blue light emitted from your phone, TV, laptop and computer might disrupt your body’s natural wake-sleep cycle. Following are the sleep hygiene tips that one must follow to keep the immunity system high:

  • Sleeping in a completely dark room
  • Using a sleep mask
  • Sleeping on the daily same routine
  • Exercising on the continuous basis   
Eat more Veggies and Fruits

The bowl of vegetables, fruits and legumes may facilitate you an upper hand against harmful pathogens, however these whole plant foods are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that helps your body stay active throughout. Through combat unstable compounds defining free radicals, the antioxidants in these foods help decrease inflammation. This helps in rising up the inflammation when they build up in your body in high quantity.

Chronic inflammation is interrelated to the several health conditions, involving heart disease and certain cancers. In the mean time, the fiber in plant foods feeds your gut microbiome or the healthy bacteria community in your gut. From entering your body through your digestive tract, a strong gut microbiome can improve your immunity and help keep harmful pathogens.

More to this, fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C that might reduce the duration of the common cold.

Eat More Healthy Fats

Via decreasing inflammation, healthy fats like those found in olive oil and salmon might boost your body’s immune response to pathogens.

Chronic inflammation can conquer your immune system although low-level inflammation is a normal response to stress or injury. Olive oil that is highly anti-inflammatory is interlinked to a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

In addition to this, it is anti-inflammatory properties might help your body fight off harmful and vulnerable disease causing bacteria and viruses.

Keep Stress Under Control    

Long-term stress leads to chronically elevated levels of as the steroid hormone cortisol. During short-term bouts of stress when your body goes into fight or flight response, the body relies on hormones like cortisol; before the stressful event is over, cortisol has a beneficial effect of basically averting the immune system from acknowledging. However, when cortisol levels are consistently high, it importantly blocks the immune system for kicking into gear and doing its job to protect the body against potential threats from germs such as viruses and bacteria.  

Practice Moderation When it Comes to Alcohol   

Including lowered immune function, drinking high amounts of alcohol is associated with a range of negative health effects. Your body is too busy trying to detoxify your system to bother with normal immune system function when you drink high amounts of alcohol. For fighting infection and slowing down the recovery time, high levels of alcohol consumption can weaken your body’s ability. According to the similar review, people who drink high amounts of alcohol face a greater likelihood of pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, alcoholic liver disease and particular cancers. Here I urge, who don’t already drink, don’t give a start. If you’re a woman, consumption to one drink per day and if you’re a man two drinks are enough.

Stay Hydrated

Not getting dehydrated is important to your overall health, hydration doesn’t directly protect you from germs and viruses. Dehydration can obstruct your focus, mood, digestion, heart and kidney function and give you headaches. The particular complications can increase your susceptibility to illness.

Due to high sugar contents, it’s best to limit your intake of sweetened drinks while tea and juice are hydrating. Since it’s free of calories, sugar and other additives, water is the best option. As the bodies do not signal thirst adequately, it is vital to note that senior adults tend to lose the urge to drink. Even if they do not feel thirsty, they require to drink on continuous basis.

Attitude is Everything

A positive mindset is essential for health and well-being. While negative emotions can make you more susceptible to the common cold and flu, study reflects that positive thoughts reduce stress and inflammation and rise elasticity to infection.

The COVID-19 pandemic is scary, so it’s easy to cut-off the negative thoughts. The story we tell ourselves is vital. Give a change to your thoughts from “it’s not going to be OK” to I am safe at home with the people I love and care for”. Begin your day with a positive thought or even a mantra such as, “I am well”.

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