How many Pages is 750 Words?

Depending upon the topic of your writing content, the total word count can be either short or long. Some academic assignments although require students to write under a specific word limit. The written piece could be in the form of an essay, project report, field survey, or even letters. However, the writing part is easier than abiding by the word count. To ease up the hassle, it is always helpful to do good research and practice writing. Knowing how many pages the written piece takes is certainly helpful for students as well as for the educators for marking them. This blog will help you out with the information you need about How Many Pages is 750 Words Double Spaced?  

Long story short, with the size of 12 in Arial or Times New Roman font, your 750 words article can take up one and a half pages (when single-spaced) or three pages (when double-spaced).

How to write 750 words?

If you are instructed specifically to write exact 750 words then you can divide your article into four main sections: title, introduction, body, and conclusion, and try to write the specific number of words given below.

Title: Not more than 6 words. The title is what attracts attention to your content. Try to keep it short and straightforward.

Introduction: Not more than 130 words.

Body: Try to keep the word count for the body of your write-up to fewer than 550 words. Give sub-headings, use tables and use bullet points to explain the context of your writing piece.

Conclusion: Not more than 65 words.

Following is the table is given for your reference. Use it for checking the page and word count of your written content:

Given information applies for font size 12 and Arial or Times New Roman fonts only. Other fonts might alter the page count a bit.

Word Count


Single spaced

No.of Pages

Double spaced

No.of Pages



























































With the information given above, you can easily find out how page and word counts are connected. Check out my other blogs for more related information.

Thanksgiving is one of the American holidays and is celebrated across the United States of America and Canada. The fourth Thursday in November will be celebrated as Thanksgiving 2021. Every year the Americans and Canadians pour their hearts out to celebrate this festival. However, the tradition of Thanksgiving is even deep-rooted in History, even before America existed as a country. In this article, we will find out the traditions and reasons that Thanksgiving is premised upon.

Let’s find out the brief History of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving was coined as a holiday by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, while in Canada, Thanksgiving was made into the Holiday list in 1957. In Canada, the second Monday in October’s month is celebrated as Thanksgiving. It is a way of thanking God for the food as well as the loved ones. After Halloween, Thanksgiving is one of the most vastly celebrated festivals in the United States and Canada. One of the most significant reasons for no plantation was the time of the year. It all started back in 1620, with a protestant religious group today known as Pilgrims coming to America and settling in Massachusetts. Upon arriving at the shores of American land, they began to make their way westward and were exposed to extreme winters. As the group wasn’t well prepared to survive the harsh conditions in America, their first winter was full of agony and hardships. As a matter of fact, in the very first winter, they couldn’t plant enough food and vegetables to eat; as a consequence, almost half of the pilgrims died in severe conditions. The land conditions were not up to the mark for farming and harvesting. Henceforth, the Pilgrims decided to look for an apt solution for the sake of survival in the frozen cold land of Massachusetts.

Reacting to the circumstances, the pilgrims sought help from the native Americans. Following this, the Native Americans and Pilgrims collaborated to grow food in the spring season. As the Native Americans were highly skilled in adapting and surviving in the highly severe and adverse climate conditions, they figured out how to produce more than enough for the people. Hence, the Pilgrims survived the next winters on the frozen land.

The first Thanksgiving in the USA.

In the year 1621, natives and pilgrims were able to harvest a lot of corn, pumpkin, beans and other vegetables that made them survive better in the foreign land. In order to thank the natives, the pilgrims organized a three-day feast (known as Thanksgiving). All the summoned guests praised and thanked the Lord for blessing them with more than enough food at the party. This is how the festivity started, and the modern-day Thanksgiving is premised upon this incident. The great leader Abraham Lincoln passed the official orders to mark this day as an official day in the United States of America.

A brief about Modern-day Thanksgiving

As mentioned earlier, modern-day Thanksgiving is premised upon the old traditions of thanking God for food. Even these days, the families sit together for dinner and perform the ritual of praising the omnipotent God. In addition to this, many people organize the feast for a get together on this day. Modern-day Thanksgiving is more inclined to originate the spirit of connection and spiritual bonding among Americans and cultivate a sense of appreciation for the noble doings of others.

Traditions on Thanksgiving

There are several ways Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. It is worth mentioning that the times have changed a lot during the first-ever Thanksgiving; subsequently, it is imperative for Americans to keep it relatable for the new generations. A few of them are practised as per the old times while others are newly blended with History to make the holiday more relatable in the modern times. Following are some of the traditions that are practised on modern-day Thanksgiving.

Family reunion

All the family members gather for the feast and enjoy the meal with all their loved ones on these days. Some people even eat traditional food and teach them the significance of framing. Furthermore, they educate their young ones about the tradition of Thanksgiving. The family sits together and praise the almighty. Some Historians even believed that people also consume Turkey as a part of the tradition as it was eaten during the first Thanksgiving ever. However, there is no such evidence of it to date. Some Historians also say that Thanksgiving is considered incomplete without Turkey being placed on the dining table.


On this day, you can see the traditional Thanksgiving parades in the United States of America. The military men march for the entire dress parade in order to display the country’s bravery and military strength. The parade lifts the morale and the feeling of patriotism in spectators. Thanksgiving Day parades have been held on Thanksgiving in New York City from the Upper West Side to Macy’s flagship store in Herald Square each year since 1924, and they are televised nationally by NBC. Parade floats will all participate in themed themes, Broadway musical performances, balloons of cartoon characters, TV personalities, and marching bands from high schools. All in all, this is one of the most spectacular parades in the United States of America.


As it is a time of festivity and celebrations, the people in the United States of America decorate their homes and workplaces as a part of traditions. Americans take pride in displaying their creativity for the house decor and make multiple adjustments for the same. To name a few, people usually decorate their houses with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. Furthermore, they give a whole new look to their interiors.

Sending greetings to loved ones

It is that time of the year when people send love and warm wishes to their friends and families. In modern-day Thanksgiving, people even purchase gifts for their loved ones and thank them for their contribution to nourishing the beautiful life.

So what are you planning for your loved ones!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

With the information given above, you can easily find out how page and word counts are connected.

Check out my other blogs for more related information.

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