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Lord Shiva Quotes

July 18, 2022
Lord Shiva Quotes

Lord Shiva quotes

Doesn’t matter what time or circumstances you are in; Lord Shiva’s Quotes are always there to get you the deep meanings of life and learn more about your inner self. Lord Shiva is a powerful word; by saying Shiva, I feel a sensation in my body, don’t you? All praises to the His divinity. His quotes don’t only provide you relief but also a sense of fulfillment that you’d even like to share with your near ones. In this post, we will look at Lord Shiva’s Quotes that will help you sail through the ups and downs of your life.

In the beginning, Sadasiva, intoning AUM, created the Universe. Siva is Pranava and Pranava is Siva. Brahma emerged from Mahesa’s right side, Vishnu from his left, and Nilarudra from his heart.

– Ramesh Menon, SIVA PURANA

“A simple faith coupled with staying calm can lead to profound peace. Har Har Mahadeva”

नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय

भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय ।

नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय

तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय

“All creation bows to Lord Shiva, and I bow to Lord Shiva. Har Har Mahadev!”

“Life and death are nothing but the gifts bestowed by Lord Shiva. Something dies, and another thing takes birth. Our soul completes the life journey somewhere between the circles of life and death.”

“Shiva is the one, He’s superior, and He is the creator and destructor of everything.”

“Everyone possesses the seeds of divinity. Chanting Om Namah Shivaya mantra is the art of sprouting that divinity.”

Karma is significantly crucial in one’s life and even the afterlife; one enjoys as well as mourns the fruit of their every Karma. Karma gets you life and death, and evil Karma gets you to hell, whereas the Good Karmas lead your soul to heaven. However, the mixed Karmas is the source of continuous lives and deaths.

“Look into my eyes and see-through; it does not have ‘Duality.’

-Lord Shiva

The ultimate Almighty rules the hearts of his followers and the rest of the deities. “Lord Shiva is the epitome of greatness, and he is, all in all, all in one.

“ॐ त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।

उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान् मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ माऽमृता॑॑त् ।।

Translation: The above-mentioned is the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, which means, “Oh Tryambaka, I bow down to You, You are the fragrant, increaser of prosperity. Like a cucumber from its stem, might I be freed from death, not deathlessness?”

“Fear not, Shiva is with you; Shiva is almighty, all-powerful and toughest than anything you fear, Hail Shiva.”

“Shiva is the most extraordinary form of energy, and He’s a cosmic being and the cosmos itself, He’s away from all the binaries. He is what He is. Hail Lord Shiva”

“May Lord Shiva give you the courage to fight with any adversity in your life. He’s supreme.”

“Lord Shiva is a supreme being than the entire Universe.”

“The whole Universes, Cosmos and Metaverses are finite; only Shiva is infinite.”

I believe that Shiva prefers people who don’t lean towards anything except burning with fire.”

“Understand that Nothing and Nothingness are different from each other. The Nothingness is the source of all creation, and every creation doesn’t get back to nothing but Nothingness; Shiva is this vast Nothingness.”

“Shiva brought to life, for the first time, the possibility of a union with creation through Yoga, which we now call Yoga.”

“Our devotion to Adiyogi with Dhyanalinga and Mahashivratri, among other activities, represents our gratitude to him. Without him, we are nothing.”

“Lord Shiva stays deep in every human. Shiva is Nirguna (One who exists without form or attributes). Shiva is Nirakaar ( One with no shape or form), and Shiva is the Para-Brahman (Supreme transcendental) that is all-pervading.

“Shiva and Shakti are indistinguishable. They are one, and they are the Universe. Shiva isn’t masculine, and Shakti isn’t feminine. At the core of their mutual penetration, the supreme consciousness opens.”

“Lord Shiva is the Lord of both living and dead; Shiva belongs to all, all belongs to Shiva, Har Har Mahadeva.

Despite sages’ knowledge that there are many truths, one is true. The God of all religions is the same, regardless of how different religions approach Him.

It doesn’t matter what form of God you worship. Call Him Shiva, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus, whatever you believe in. Our paths may be different, and our destination is the same.”

“Mahadev, your plans are better than my dreams.

“Lord Shiva is in every atom of the world, no place in the Universe is without His divinity.”

The Lingas are Holy and potent to rid a man of all the sins he acquired in the previous lives; these Holy Lingas are Somanatha, Mallikarjuna, Mahakala, Parameswara, Kedara, BhimaSankara, Visvesa, Tryambaka, Vaidyanatha, Nagisa, Ramesa and Ghusmesa. By changing, one can get free from the forever circle of life and death by chanting the names. The mere sight of these Lingas is divine and enough for Moksha, but these Lingas were not always here (on the Earth)

– Ramesh Menon, SIVA PURANA

“Never lose your faith in Shiva. He’s the most reliable friend and the greatest companion.”

“Shiva is the source of creation of every life in the Universe and the source of destruction too, and He’s all in all.

“Have faith in Shiva, and this too shall pass.”

In terms of Adiyogi’s significance, he provided methods relevant to all ages for advancing human consciousness.”

“The Adiyogi had created a spine of knowledge from which virtually all spiritual knowledge comes.”

“Shiva swayambhu– that means he has no parentage. It’s the cyclical nature of genetics because repetition means repetition, which means no father and no mother.

Shiva is the Nature means you are going in circles, which means you are not going anywhere.”

“My Lord Shiva, who wears a dangerous serpent around his neck and a lifted hood to demonstrate that the energies have reached their peak.

“From every vein in my body to every single drop of blood in my body, everything belongs to Lord Shiva.”

“Shiva is the Universe as well as beyond the understanding of the Universe, we all Hail Mahadeva!

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