Top Marketing Research Topics for Marketing Students
A research paper based on top Marketing Research Topics can be a daunting task for many since marketing is a vast field with various aspects to write about. The information can be lacking or can be too overcrowded in your research paper. Need of the hour: Marketing Research Topics. This calls for a strategic way of researching and writing the title and the content that’s to be included in the paper. A little tip, start with choosing a perfect title for your research paper that looks and sounds interesting to the readers. The title should be based on the research paper of your area of interest.
Here you will find some of the top ideas for the title of your research paper on marketing. Feel free to take inspiration from these top marketing research topics for marketing students. These will certainly help you to find the best topic for your MBA or other marketing course.

Top 80 marketing research topics for marketing students
A study of efficient marketing approaches.
A survey on how to make consumers purchase goods and services in the expensive item category.
An assessment of how customer loyalty is influenced by brand image.
Brand awareness and ROI. Compare and contrast.
Brand awareness through global event marketing.
Click baits and their long term significance.
Comment on manipulation tactics in marketing.
Comment on online purchasing and desirable product characteristics that consumers go for.
Comment on the change of perspective among people in different job roles in commercial marketing.
Comment on the decline of organic reach on social media channels.
Comment on the internet marketing trends that we can expect in near future.
Comment on the missing links between sales and marketing departments within an organization.
Comment on the most effective form of marketing.
Comment on the oncoming opportunities in marketing and ways to capitalize on them.
Compare advertising and building brand equity.
Corporate social responsibility usage for reinforcing brand equity.
Define relationship marketing.
Define the main link between marketing research, client knowledge, and business sales.
Do international brands always have advantages over a local brand?
Draw the main relationship between customers’ internal usage practices and internal advertising awareness.
Explain how industries use corporate social responsibility to reinforce brand equity.
Explain how social media can impact SEO ranking.
Explain Market segmentation.
Explain significance of telemarketing.
Explain the transitions in shopping during Black Friday sales. Explain how these trends benefits a company gross.
Explore the differences in marketing strategies among different cultures.
Give a research analysis on how Artificial Intelligence can help make better marketing choices.
Give an analysis of the impact of augmented reality on marketing experiences of consumers.
How are international brands taken in contrast to local brands?
How can brand image be promoted through social media marketing?
How can loyalty programs be used as instruments of marketing?
How can social media influence the buying choices of potential shoppers?
How does advertising impact buyers’ behaviour?
How does family orientation influence marketing communications?
How does global marketing include standardization?
How safe are grey SEO techniques?
How to bridge technology gap?
How to build a strategic marketing plan?
How to effectively personalize consumer communications?
How to ensure compliance with GDPR?
How to generate leads efficiently on long term?
How to get readers to go through your content?
How to master in-house SEO?
How to minimize the overdependence of potential customers on online shopping sites?
How to optimize business for voice search?
How to rebuild trust in influencer marketing?
Illustrate on the importance of understanding marketing results.
Illustrate substantial marketing strategies and standards.
Illustrate the impact of COVID-19 on global economy.
Impact of direct marketing strategies.
Importance of a well researched marketing plan.
Important brand specialities that lead to speeding up of rate of customer loyalty.
Is it possible to use smartphones to manipulate customers’ purchasing decisions?
Is it true that social media promotions are more engaging than Television advertisements?
Key points for maternity products marketing.
List out the best SEO strategies that can potentially increase traffic rate.
List out the factors that affect positive and negative marketing in any kind of industry.
List out the main factors that affect the level of impulse buying.
Major influence of social media on consumer’s buying choices.
Marketing of products on an international platform.
Mention various difficulties that come while building a brand’s name.
Role of e-marketing in business strategies.
Shed light on the market entry strategy of a start up business in a new market on the basis of country’s origin.
Show how organizations can get more customers.
Show how traditional advertising affects the top of mind awareness among customers.
Talk about the fundamentals of Pharmaceutical marketing and ethics
The importance of leadership among a marketing team. Give your comments.
What are the effects of gender on a family’s shopping decisions?
What are the effects of globalization on customer’s behaviour?
What are the effects of self-placement of habitual buying items that are put on sales or discount?
What characteristics do consumers seek when comparing their choice of items online?
What features and qualities do buyers prefer when purchasing an item online?
What internet marketing trends can we expect in the future?
What is the impact of recession on marketing campaigns?
What is the main impact of brand extension on brand’s personality?
What is the most effective form of marketing?
What is the most effective influence of social media on consumer’s buying behaviour?
What is the significance of social media in marketing?
What is the use and advantage of e-invite for birthday announcements?
What manipulation tactics do brands use to get more customers?
You can take inspiration from the above mentioned topics and come up with a new title for your research paper on marketing. Remember to choose a topic that you are completely invested in and is enticing enough to the readers.