What Measures You should take if You have Contracted COVID-19?

Prevention is better than a cure, and so is the containment of an epidemic!

The novel COVID-19 and its global outbreak is the latest issue of concern for everyone. There is hardly any public service announcement that is not circulating protective measures against the disease COVID-19 caused by the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. This is an appreciative effort for public awareness that is efficiently answering questions like how can you protect yourselves or what measures you should take if you have contracted Coronavirus?

  Preventive measures against Coronavirus includes:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Disinfect your house and household items
  • Maintain a distance of 3 Feet between you and a person who is coughing or sneezing
  • Use hand-sanitizers after touching frequently-touched surfaces
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth 

Despite your hard efforts, if you still manage to get afflicted with CoV-2, you will start showing the following symptoms:  

Signs and symptoms of CoV-2

Runny nose, sore throat, Fever, Respiratory illness such as coughing or shortness of breath. 

If you have developed any of the symptoms of the virus, your first course of action should be to get yourself tested in your nearby medical centre. 


Test centres in India for Coronavirus 

The Government of India has allocated various test centres in India for diagnosis and treatment system.

 States of India

(Alphabetically arranged)

 Coronavirus Test Centres



Andhra Pradesh

Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati

Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

GMC, Anantapur

Regional Medical Research Centre, Port Blair


Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati

Regional Medical Research Center, Dibrugarh




Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna




Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research




All India Institute Medical Sciences, Raipur




All India Institute Medical Sciences

National Centre for Disease Control




BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad

M.P.Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar




Pt. B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Inst. of Med. Sciences, Rohtak

BPS Govt Medical College, Sonipat


Himachal Pradesh


Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla

Dr.Rajendra Prasad Govt. Med. College, Kangra, Tanda


Jammu & Kashmir


Sher-e- Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar

Government Medical College, Jammu




MGM Medical College, Jamshedpur




Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore

National Institute of Virology Field Unit Bangalore

Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysore

Hassan Inst. of Med. Sciences, Hassan, Karnataka

Shimoga Inst. of Med. Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka




National Institute of Virology Field Unit, Kerala

Govt. Medical College, Thriuvananthapuram

Govt. Medical College, Kozhikhode


Madhya Pradesh


All India Institute Medical Sciences, Bhopal

National Institute of Research in Tribal Health (NIRTH), Jabalpur




NEIGRI of Health and Medical Sciences, Shillong




Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur

Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Mumbai




J N Inst. of Med. Sciences Hospital, Imphal-East




Regional Medical Research Center, Bhubaneswar




Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry




Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab

Government Medical College, Amritsar




Sawai Man Singh, Jaipur

Dr. S.N Medical College, Jodhpur

Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan

SP Med. College, Bikaner, Rajasthan


Tamil Nadu


King’s Institute of Preventive Medicine & Research, Chennai

Government Medical College, Theni




Government Medical College, Agartala




Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad


Uttar Pradesh


King’s George Medical University, Lucknow

Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh




Government Medical College, Haldwani


West Bengal


National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata

IPGMER, Kolkata

If you suspect that you’ve contracted CoV-2, go to your nearby testing centre. There you will be asked to provide your upper or lower respiratory tract specimen in the form of throat swab or sputum. Based on the results of your test you will be asked to follow some measures that will include your stay at the medical facility for some time until you recover.

The test results take time somewhere between 1 day or 4 days, depending upon the nature of the reports. Until then you will be advised to stay at home and follow some measures to avoid further spread of the virus.

Measures to take to avoid spreading of Coronavirus

Evolve in 2030

If you are sick or suspect that you might have caught the virus, these are the steps you should take: 

Inform your doctor ahead of your visit

Before visiting your healthcare provider at their clinic, you should inform them about your condition prior to your visit. Have a telephonic conversation with them and decide the day and timing of your visit. This will help them to make necessary preparations for averting the chances of infection spread to their other patients. 

Never make an unannounced visit to your doctor if you’ve caught COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. As a responsible citizen, it is your duty to aid in the prevention of this disease spread. 

Stay at home

To prevent further spread of the virus, it is highly advised to stay at home and if possible, not go to the office or work from home. Most of the public schools and colleges have been closed for a certain period for similar reasons.

Do not go to any public places such as public parks, markets or shopping complexes. These places are crowded with people and will augment the risks of infection spread.

Do not take pubic transport either. Bottom line is to limit your outings as much as possible until you fully recover.

Set a personal quarantine zone for yourself 

As harsh as it sounds, isolating yourself from the other members of your family is the right thing to do if you are infected with the novel Coronavirus. The initial onset of the infection is mild enough for an average person with no underlying health issues. You should be able to take care of yourself in such circumstances. 

Needless to say, use a separate bathroom if available. Stay in a room separate from the other members of your family. If you have to use the kitchen, completely cover your mouth with a protective mask.

Although it will be wise for you not to use the kitchen at all. You can ask your family members for taking supplies from the kitchen. 

Avoid sharing personal household items such as utensils, towels, bedsheets with your family members. Wash the used items with detergent and keep your area clean. 

If you are in dire need for someone else taking care of you, then you should ensure the safety of your caretaker. Make them wear protective attire especially designed for this purpose. Properly dispose of the gear after use. 

Distance yourself from your house pets 

The virus has the ability to get transmitted from humans to animals. A recent report from mainland China stated a case where an infected owner’s dog contracted the virus. Where earlier on it was thought that the dog might have transmitted the virus to its owner, later on, speculations are being made that the owner was the source of infection. Yet, there is no evidential proof to support both claims. 

The incident still raises an alarm to keep your pets away from you same as the other members of your family. 

Have your friends to take away your pets until you recover or let your family members take care of them. 

If you must keep your pets with you, in case you live alone, avoid petting for a longer time, snuggling with them while in bed or let them touch your face. Wear masks all the time and wash your hands thoroughly with a strong cleansing agent before and after your interaction with them. 

Your pets are your family members. It is your responsibility to keep them safe as well.    

Keep your house clean and sterilized 

It goes without saying that cleaning your house regularly lessens the chances of infection. Although, if you have already been caught by CoV-2, you can still prevent it to further spread. 

In addition to using the same routine of house cleaning, disinfect all the surfaces or objects that are frequently touched. Areas such as doorknobs, kitchen counters, refrigerator doors, bathroom mirrors, toilets should be your highest priority. 

Your electronic devices, phones, tablets, computer keyboards should be properly wiped with a suitable cleaner. 

 Imperative measures to take while going outside 

If you have to leave the house for better reasons, you should abide by certain measures: 

  • Wear masks all the time! 

There are special face masks designed specifically for infected individuals. Difficulty in breathing is one of the symptoms of Coronavirus which can get elevated if the worn mask is improper. Get yourself the correct face masks and keep them on all the time while you are outside. Masks will prevent you to further spread the infection when you are around people. 

  • Keep a sanitized tissue with you

Cover your mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Carefully discard the used tissue into a lined trash can. Wash your hands immediately with strong cleansing soap or sanitize your hands with 95% Ethanol-based sanitizer. 

  • Frequently wash your hands 

After every bathroom visit and before cooking or eating, make sure that your hands are clean. Though the given scenarios are awkwardly mentioned together, these are the two that needs the most attention. Follow the washing routine for 20 seconds and keep your hands dry. 

  • Keep an account of your symptoms 

You don’t have to stay in the quarantine zone forever. Keep in constant touch with your healthcare provider. Your symptoms will subside in a few weeks as per your condition. If you develop any adverse symptom such as severe shortness of breath or persistent pain in the chest, contact your doctor immediately. After they allow you to admit your yourself you should follow through their instructions. 

The duration of your stay depends on your reports and your doctor’s analysis. You will be discharged as soon as the local health authorities clear you off of any possible secondary transmission. 

You should know that since more countries are reporting this outbreak, Coronavirus disease has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. There is no doubt that the disease is spreading, but the important thing is to keep the rate of infection lower than the rate of prevention. 

If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, stay calm and report to the local health care facility. With proper care and treatment and after the virus has completed its course, you will get better. Meanwhile, follow and preach the rules of prevention and spread of this disease

Stay informed, stay safe!   

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